New York’s incarceration rates



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Today, New York’s incarceration rates stand out internationally.
In the U.S., incarceration extends beyond prisons and local jails to include other systems of confinement. The U.S. and state incarceration rates in this graph include people held by other parts of the justice system (e.g., the juvenile justice system, so they may be slightly higher than the commonly reported incarceration rates that only include prisons and jails. Details on the data are available in States of Incarceration: The Global Context.
1. How would Michel Foucault explain the graph above depicting the U.S. rates of incarceration?

2. How does Pierre Bourdieu define habitus?

3. The Politico reporter in the documentary interviewed several law enforcement personnel who pointed out that the Charlottesville Police Department responded to the demonstration with strategies that were counter to standard police procedure. Using the construct of habitus, how would Bourdieu characterize this response?

5. How does Bourdieu define the elements of habitus and how does habitus create hierarchies?

6. Define human capital.

7. Define social capital.

8. Summarize in one paragraph the findings of the Lareau study on parental involvement in schools. In the second paragraph discuss the importance of social capital.

9. Bonilla-Silva relies on the use of interpretive repertory. What is interpretive repertory and what does the method reveal?

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