Literature Review On Behavior Analysis

Valeria Castano

Literature Review Outline


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· Extension to Carnett et al. (2014) study

· Study the effects of preservative interest based token economies on task behavior

· Research is warranted to find the most effective method for on task behavior.

· Carnett Amarie, Raulston Tracy, Lang Russell, Tostanoski Amy, Lee Allyson, Sigafoos Jeff, & Machalicek Wendy. (2014). Effects of a Perseverative Interest-Based Token Economy on Challenging and On-Task Behavior in a Child with Autism. Journal of Behavioral Education23(3), 368–377.


Token Economies

· Doll, C., McLaughlin, T. F., & Barretto, A. (2013). The token economy: A recent review and evaluation. International Journal of basic and applied science2(1), 131-149.

· Hine, J. F., Ardoin, S. P., & Call, N. A. (2018). Token economies: Using basic experimental research to guide practical applications. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy48(3), 145-154.

· Williamson, R. L., & McFadzen, C. (2020). Evaluating the Impact of Token Economy Methods on Student On-task Behaviour within an Inclusive Canadian Classroom. International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education (IJTIE), 9(1), 1531-1541.

· Boniecki, K. A., & Moore, S. (2003). Breaking the Silence: Using a Token Economy to Reinforce Classroom Participation. Teaching of Psychology30(3), 224.



· Carnett Amarie, Raulston Tracy, Lang Russell, Tostanoski Amy, Lee Allyson, Sigafoos Jeff, & Machalicek Wendy. (2014). Effects of a Perseverative Interest-Based Token Economy on Challenging and On-Task Behavior in a Child with Autism. Journal of Behavioral Education23(3), 368–377.

· Charlop-Christy, M. H., & Haymes, L. K. (1998). Using objects of obsession as token reinforcers for children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders28(3), 189-198.

· Hirst, E. S. J., Dozier, C. L., & Payne, S. W. (2016). Efficacy of and preference for reinforcement and response cost in token economies. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis49(2), 329.

· Soares, D. A., Harrison, J. R., Vannest, K. J., & McClelland, S. S. (2016). Effect Size for Token Economy Use in Contemporary Classroom Settings: A Meta-Analysis of Single-Case Research. School Psychology Review45(4), 379–399.



· Main findings: Studies have shown that including objects of interest in a clients token board will increase engagement.

· This study replicates past research conducted by Carnett et al. (2014) but also extends it by using multiple participants.

· The purpose of this study he purpose of this capstone is to extend the work of Carnett et al. (2014) and Charlop-Christy and Haymes (1998) and compare the effects of a token economy that does not include a child’s perseverative interest versus a token economy that includes the child’s perseverative interest on on-task behavior

· I hypothesize that the token economy with the clients perseverative interest incorporated in the token economy will increase on task behavior.







































Boniecki, K. A., & Moore, S. (2003). Breaking the Silence: Using a Token Economy to Reinforce Classroom Participation. Teaching of Psychology30(3), 224.

Carnett Amarie, Raulston Tracy, Lang Russell, Tostanoski Amy, Lee Allyson, Sigafoos Jeff, & Machalicek Wendy. (2014). Effects of a Perseverative Interest-Based Token Economy on Challenging and On-Task Behavior in a Child with Autism. Journal of Behavioral Education23(3), 368–377.

Charlop-Christy, M. H., & Haymes, L. K. (1998). Using objects of obsession as token reinforcers for children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders28(3), 189-198.

Doll, C., McLaughlin, T. F., & Barretto, A. (2013). The token economy: A recent review and evaluation. International Journal of basic and applied science2(1), 131-149.

Hine, J. F., Ardoin, S. P., & Call, N. A. (2018). Token economies: Using basic experimental research to guide practical applications. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy48(3), 145-154.

Hirst, E. S. J., Dozier, C. L., & Payne, S. W. (2016). Efficacy of and preference for reinforcement and response cost in token economies. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis49(2), 329.

Soares, D. A., Harrison, J. R., Vannest, K. J., & McClelland, S. S. (2016). Effect Size for Token Economy Use in Contemporary Classroom Settings: A Meta-Analysis of Single-Case Research. School Psychology Review45(4), 379–399.

Williamson, R. L., & McFadzen, C. (2020). Evaluating the Impact of Token Economy Methods on Student On-task Behaviour within an Inclusive Canadian Classroom. International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education (IJTIE), 9(1), 1531-1541.