Is there any real solution to feelings of alienation among peripheral regions of Canada?

Please critique one of the following questions:
Is there any real solution to feelings of alienation among peripheral regions of Canada? How could Canada’s federation be restructured in order to eliminate regional alienation?
How would you describe the federal government’s handling of health care policy? Has it created a more flexible system that will ensure the survival of public health care, or has it actually laid the foundation for its ultimate transition into a mixed public–private health care system?
What functions does the Governor General perform in Canada’s political system? Is the position of Governor General necessary? Or should it be abolished?
Is the Prime Minister too powerful? What are the positives and negatives of the concentration of power in the hands of the Prime Minister? What reforms could be undertaken to give other elected representatives more power relative to the Prime Minister?
5. Does Question Period serve any meaningful role in Canada’s political system? What factors have made it more of a ridiculous charade in the view of some critics? How could Question Period be changed in order to make the debate more meaningful for Canadians?
In a properly structured paper of 700-1000 words critically evaluate one of the following questions and where necessary, provide documented evidence to support your critique. Students are expected to engage the question and answer the question from their personal perspective/experiences.
Format and Presentation:
Written work will be assessed based on the following

Students must express their ideas in a manner that is clearly understood and logically organized.

Students must employ correct grammar.
Students must demonstrate a clear understanding of the author’s position and provide documented evidence to support such.
Written assignments must:
have title page
include student name and date of paper
include page numbers
be double spaced
include one-inch margins
be in 12 pt Arial font
be provided electronically in MS Word

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