Question description



As a counselor advising clients or students in career decisions, you will use assessments and inventories to help them create career plans. For this assignment, you will consider yourself as the client, interpret the assessments you completed in Units 3, 4, and 6 in the Career Exploration Workbook, and create a career plan with actionable steps. Use your completed Career Exploration Workbook as a reference to complete this paper.

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Although you are using yourself as the client, be sure to write from the third-person point of view. Address the following aspects in your assignment:


  • Describe the client’s identifying information such as age, race, gender, family, work status, educational background, current educational status, et cetera.
  • Describe the presenting issues (as you would gather from an intake interview with yourself).
  • Be sure to write from the third-person point of view.


  • Personality:
    • 16-Type Jungian Personality Test: Identify your client’s preferences (E/I, S/N, T/F, J/P).
    • Big 5 Personality Theory: Identify your client’s scores regarding extroversion, openness, agreeableness, neuroticism, conscientiousness.
  • Values:
    • Identify your client’s top five values from the card sort.
  • Interest Assessment:
    • Identify your client’s highest categories in realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional.
  • Interpretation of Assessments:
    • Connect the assessment results to the presenting issues. What themes emerged?
    • Use your reflections from the Career Exploration Workbook to help you complete this section.
  • Analyze the appropriateness of the inventories and assessments completed in relation to the client’s developmental stage and profile.
  • Professional Assets:
    • Assess your client’s training, education, and professional and volunteer experiences in relation to his or her career goals.
  • Career Options:
    • Identify 2–3 job titles that match your client’s skills and interests.
    • Describe the education and or training needed, the employment trends, and expected salary for each job.


  • Create a career plan for this person moving forward. Include in your plan your client profile, goals, and an action plan. Use an example career plan from your text or find one that you like on your own.


  • Describe what you learned about yourself in this exercise and how you will use this knowledge in your specialization.
  • As part of your reflection, assess your professional limitations as a career counselor.

Your paper should be 4–6 pages with at least four references, written in third-person point of view, and following APA format. Include your completed Career Exploration Workbook as a supplement to this assignment. Review the Individual Career Plan Scoring Guide for the detailed grading expectations of this assignment.