Implementing subroutines using MIPS

Implementing subroutines using MIPS. In this lab we shall use the jal and jr commands
to implement subroutine calls.Write a program that reads in 4
numbers and prints out the maximum and minimum of the input numbers. A sample run of the
program will look like the following:
input a number: 13
input a number: 11
input a number: 19
input a number: 8
The maximum of the four numbers is 19
The minimum of the four numbers is 8
The requirements are as follows:

  1. Write a subroutine readtwo that prompts for and reads two integers and returns them to the
    calling program.
  2. Write a subroutine findminmax that takes 4 integers as input parameters and returns the
    minimum and the maximum of these to the calling program.
  3. Write a main program that calls readtwo twice to get the input and then calls findminmax
    to complete the computation and prints the result.
  4. Use all the appropriate MIPS conventions for the use of registers.
  5. Have your program checked for correctness during the lab and turn in a printout.
    Sample Code that uses a subroutine call:

v0 – reads in an integer

t0 – holds the sum

a0 – points to strings to be printed

– also used to pass N to “sumup”

Sample Solution

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