Impact of Nursing Theory Upon Healthcare Organization

Impact of Nursing Theory Upon Healthcare Organization

Discuss how a specific middle-range nursing theory has been or could be applied by nurse leaders or nurse managers to effectively deal with an administrative issue (i.e., staffing, use of supplies, staff performance issues). Include an example from the literature or your own experience to illustrate your points.

In the second thread for this week we will be discussing how we can use theory to address administrative issues in the workplace. Use of theory by a knowledgeable nurse in an administrative position will increase professional power in influencing others. In addition, theory increases professional autonomy in structuring practice.

In this thread you will respond to: Discuss how a specific middle-range theory has been used or could be applied by nurse leaders or nurse managers to effectively deal with an administrative issue (i.e., staffing, use of supplies, staff performance issues). Include an example from the literature or your own experience to illustrate your point.

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The course outcomes that will be used to guide the learning process are:

• Propose strategies foe use of relevant theories that nurse leaders can employ in selected healthcare or educational organizations, considering legal and ethical principles. (PO #2, 6)

• Communicate the analysis of and proposed strategies for the use of a theory in nursing practice. (PO#3)

• Recommend strategies for the use of theory as the basis for actions of advanced nursing practice in leadership and education. (PO#5)