Identify an issue related to major concepts discussed in this course: professionalism, competence, expertise, accreditation, credentialing, socialization, professional identity development, interprofessional education, diversity, equity, and educational scholarship

Question description


The goal of this assignment is to help you learn the following:

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  • Synthesize key concepts presented in this course to inform your understanding of a real-world problem.
  • Analyze and synthesize ideas from relevant peer-reviewed literature to develop your own ideas, provide evidence to support your position, and respond to any opposing perspectives.
  • Apply critical thinking, analysis, and writing skills to develop a well-reasoned argument with a coherent style and logical chain of reasoning.


In this assignment, you will write a 8-10 page paper where you will identify and analyze a contemporary problem in health professions education. The problem may be related to professions, professionalism, socialization, diversity, interprofessional education, or the structure of systems that shape health professions education. In addition to analyzing readings from the course, you are required to use at least five credible (peer-reviewed) sources and document these in your paper using the APA format.


1. Identify an issue related to major concepts discussed in this course: professionalism, competence, expertise, accreditation, credentialing, socialization, professional identity development, interprofessional education, diversity, equity, and educational scholarship.

2. Search the literature which explains this problem, or describes potential solutions

3. Select at least 5 credible research articles, and complete your annotated bibliography (credible means scholarly sources or research studies published within the past 5-7 years)

4. Draft your thesis statement taking a position on your understanding of the issue

5. Outline your argument

6. Write a draft of your paper and submit for feedback

7. Revise your paper based on feedback, seeking clarification from instructor if needed

Example Outline:

  • Introduction
    • Gain audience attention: (Use a brief, powerful story to make the issue come alive for the reader, use a shocking statistic or radical statement.) Direct audience to need (Why should we care about this topic/issue?):
      • Credibilityenhancing material: (Show us enough evidence so that we trust that you know what you are talking about. Please do NOT use the words I, WE, or YOU in a formal paper!)
    • Thesis statement (an assertion stating your position or stance on the issue)
  • Background
    • Summarize 2-3 themes from course materials (required or optional readings)
    • Theme 1: Synthesize the perspectives of 2-3 authors
    • Theme 2: Synthesize the perspectives of 2-3 authors
    • Theme 3: Synthesize the perspectives of 2-3 authors
  • Literature Review
    • Describe methods for search: aim, search terms / strategy, how you narrowed down to the articles included (i.e. inclusion/exclusion criteria)
    • Summarize the characteristics of selected articles
    • Theme 1: Synthesize the perspectives of 2-3 authors
    • Theme 2: Synthesize the perspectives of 2-3 authors
    • Theme 3: Synthesize the perspectives of 2-3 authors
  • Discussion
    • Summarize key themes and findings from your analysis
    • Discuss implications for practice or scholarship (answer the question “so what”?)
    • Discuss needed changes (answer the question “now what”?)

Grading Rubric:

Standard Points
Focus: Clearly presents and defines an exigent problem in health professions education. Builds upon relevant scholarly conversations from this course and the broader literature. States a clear thesis. 0-20____________
Organization: Writing follows a clear organizational structures, with a clear chain of reasoning connecting all sections of the paper. Paragraphs are well organized around a single idea with a strong and coherent topic sentence. Transitions are used to move the argument forward. Paper flows, without redundancy, at the document and paragraph levels. 0-20 ____________
Development: Main ideas are developed with compelling evidence that is analyzed, interpreted, and connected to the thesis. The research literature is summarized and synthesized into patterns and themes that are sufficiently discussed in relation to the problem or focus of the paper. Multiple perspectives, research limitations, and potential objections or critiques are addressed. 0-20 ____________
Mechanics & Style: Sentence structure is varied and grammatically correct. Writing is free of spelling errors; proofreading is evident. Writing is clear, concise, formal, interesting, in the active voice, objective, and free from bias and anthropomorphisms. 0-20 ____________
Quality of writing: Writes clearly with an introduction that sets the stage for the paper and outlines the argument; uses paragraphs each focused on one single idea, introduced by a topic sentence; transitions logically between ideas; uses correct grammar and spelling; uses a style that engages the reader.