How has the Affordable Care Act changed the ability of Americans to get insurance?
- How does the U.S. health care system compare to other countries such as Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Japan, or Singapore?
- How does government and economics shape a health care system?
- Why is the US healthcare market referred to as imperfect? That is, why does it not meet the criteria of a free market?
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- How has the Affordable Care Act changed the ability of Americans to get insurance? What were the factors that lead up to the creation of this law? What were the problems in the healthcare system that this law was intended to fix?
- How does the U.S. health care system compare to other countries such as Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Japan, or Singapore?
- How does government and economics shape a health care system?
- Why is the US healthcare market referred to as imperfect? That is, why does it not meet the criteria of a free market?
- How has the Affordable Care Act changed the ability of Americans to get insurance? What were the factors that lead up to the creation of this law? What were the problems in the healthcare system that this law was intended to fix?