How do you preserve relationships during and after treatment of a substance use disorder?

Question description

In a five-page expository essay, you will explore the mind–body connection in chronic illness. In your paper, you will address the following issues:

Start with an explanation of how the mind and body interact in a chronic illness. Use the principles of health psychology discussed to date in the course and analyze how these principles would apply to a chronic illness. Be sure to include a discussion of the relationship between psychological factors and wellness, along with all factors of the mind body connection as demonstrated in the Unit 3 Learning Activity. Illustrate this connection with at least three specific examples. Continue to incorporate these principles as you address the following questions:

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  1. What impact does chronic illness have on an individual and their families?
  2. Using the information in your textbook about chronic illness, explain at least two reasons why addiction is considered a chronic illness.
  3. How do you preserve relationships during and after treatment of a substance use disorder? Include at least two ways. Take into account the perspective of addiction as a chronic illness as you answer this question.
  4. Describe the long-term treatment process for the individual with a substance use disorder. What are the support systems needed to remain in active recovery?

In closing, discuss how you will use the concepts in this paper in your personal and professional life.

Include reference to your textbook and at least two additional scholarly resources.

Information regarding APA formatting is at the Kaplan Writing Center. APA formatting dictates how your paper should appear on each page.

Each Paper should include:

  • A title page
  • The paper itself (the “discussion”)
  • A reference page
  • Use standard margins: 1″ on all sides.
  • Use standard 12-point font size in Times New Roman or Arial.
  • Use standard double-spacing: average of 22 lines per page, and between 20 to 24 lines per page.
  • Use left-aligned text. Do not right-justify.