How can you apply one of the theories of professional nursing studied this week to your nursing care?

Using Nursing Knowledge to Apply Nursing Theory to Practice

Nurses are increasingly considered knowledge workers. We are valued for what we know and how we think rather than what we do. Select one of the nursing theories from your readings this week (or another nursing theory from your textbook). How can you apply your selected theory of professional nursing to your nursing care? Provide specifics using terminology from the theory you selected to explain your use.

Theory to Practice  


Nursing theory guides nursing practice for the professional nurse. Watson’s theory of transpersonal caring considers body, mind, and spirit of the person as recipient of nursing care and thus keeps caring as a central component to nursing practice (Hood, 2014). Erci, Sayan, Tortumluoglu, Kilic, Sahin, and Gungormus (2003) studied the effect of Watson’s theory on quality of life and blood pressure readings in patients with hypertension. These researchers concluded that caring nursing practice improved quality of life and decreased blood pressure. By being intentionally caring in their nursing practice, nurses were able to improve patient outcomes. Erci et al. (2003) noted that the Watson “model considers persons holistically together with their physical, psychological and social environment” (p. 137).

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How can you apply one of the theories of professional nursing studied this week to your nursing care?