how can cognitive behaviour therapy be modified to fit the needs of young children.

Compose a 9500 words assignment on how can cognitive behaviour therapy be modified to fit the needs of young children. Needs to be plagiarism free!

The client works together with the therapist in developing skills relevant for recognizing ill full thoughts, testing adjusting beliefs, changing behavior, and how one relates with other people.

Normally, many clients in need of cognitive therapy suffer from assumptions that direct them to certain reactions. Among the assumptions are the thoughts of unworthiness, under-estimation of achievements, over-generalization of issues, maximization of negative issues and minimization of positives. For example, person who would have lost their job due to an avoidable mistake might believe they are useless.

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Such persons may focus on the mistake that happened and use the mistake to justify their feeling of themselves. The believe leads the individuals to damaging emotions like frustration and hopelessness (Scaruffi, n.d., p1). Such persons see themselves as losers and thus start keeping to themselves in effort to avoid making similar mistakes in the future. A prolonged feeling of unworthiness adopts into a response that confirms the original feeling of being useless every time the person faces similar experiences.

Cognitive therapy works at testing the assumptions the client had and considering new information capable of shifting the assumptions to a direction that allows different behavioral or emotional reactions.

The clients with the help of the therapist train how to use flexible ways of thinking and response to issues. The therapy challenges the clients to interrogate their thoughts on the truthfulness and the advantages of such thoughts to their goals. If a thought is found unhealthy, the therapy recommends it replacement with more helpful thoughts capable of facilitating more desirable responses and can aid achievements of the client’s goals.

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