Have America’s wars since WWII been fought to protect and secure the health and welfare of average citizen’s? If yes, in what ways? If no, why were they fought?

Answer both of the following questions in 2.5 to 3 pages each.

The essays should be double spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font.

They must include references to all of the assigned readings
and only
assigned readings. Again, use Foner, Zinn, and lectures
only. (I will not read the essay if it employs outside sources. The purpose of the essays is to determine whether you’ve read the assigned readings, viewed lectures, and understood the material as presented.)

You must cite at least three primary documents from Zinn for each essay.
Explain in few sentences at the end of the essay why you chose these

Begin with a strong thesis statement followed by relevant evidence from
the readings and lecture. Cite Foner as (Foner pg.#); cite the Zinn
documents by the author of the document of title if the author is
anonymous, for example (Ginsburg 42); and cite the presentations/lectures
as Colling + lecture/slide #, e.g. (Colling 5/42).

Important! Combine both essays into a single document.
1. Have America’s wars since WWII been fought to protect and secure the
health and welfare of average citizen’s? If yes, in what ways? If no, why
were they fought?

2. Given the American promise, did the United States fulfill this promise from
the ratification of the Reconstruction Amendments to the present day? If
yes, how? If not, why?

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