Happy Life Financial, Inc. is an Ontario-based financial services company known primarily as a life insurance company.

Happy Life Financial, Inc. is an Ontario-based financial services company known primarily as a life insurance company. It is one of the largest life insurance companies in North America, and also one of the oldest with the history spanning back to 1891, when it was founded by Isaac Klein and Brian Cooper. Happy Life Financial has a strong presence in investment management with over CAD$100 billion in assets under management operating in a number of countries all over the world.

Parul Jaiswal, a Humber College graduate who always had only perfect marks in statistics, was hired by the Etobicoke branch of Happy Life Financial in 2017. Parul was assigned to conduct statistical analysis of data, as well as market analysis. As Parul is on probation, please help her to complete the following tasks. For your convenience the data are given in the Major Assignment Data file. You can also find useful information on the Blackboard in Excel Instructions folder in the files Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing with Excel parts I, II, and III

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1.   It is known that in Canada females live longer than males, on average. As a matter of fact, females live longer everywhere, but the difference varies: say, about 1 year in India, 5 years in the UK, 7 years in the USA, 8 years in France, and 12 years in Russia (actually way more than 12 according to some independent Russian sources). Happy Life is trying to estimate the difference for various social groups in different parts of Canada. Two random samples were taken in Southern Ontario, providing life expectancy data at 65 for males and females who worked in education (see the data file). Parul thinks that for this category of policy holders the average difference is about 4 years. She decided to use


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