Haddon matrix application (Haddon Matrix Article.pdf ) to public health emergencies in emergency management

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Read the article on the Haddon matrix application (Haddon Matrix Article.pdf ) to public health emergencies in emergency management. The Haddon matrix was designed in the 1960s as a model to understand injury prevention and control. It examines agent, host and environment in three phases, pre-event, event and post-event.

Choose any disaster incident type listed in the Comprehensive Planning Guide (CPG-201 v 2) or the THIRA document and use your skills with data management software programs (Microsoft Excel) to create a matrix that examines the interaction of influencing factors and phase. Don’t forget to include factors that would ‘protect’ or ‘strengthen’ the host to resist damage/injury. This activity is consistent with the first step of the THIRA process!

You may not use any of the examples given in the assigned article. Pay specific attention to attributes of the host found in the assigned reading in Perry and Lindell which may contribute to why emergency planning is difficult or made more difficult. You may choose to write about disaster incidents in other countries but make sure to provide detail about what particular characteristics or societal values are different or unique based on your choice. If you choose to use such an incident, be certain to cite, using APA format, the reports you used to understand that event.

I do not expect you to provide the depth and breadth of answer found on page 563 (public health Haddon matrix) but I do expect more information than what is presented in the original matrix example which is found on page 562.

And again, while it is very valuable to look at published matrices, you must create one of your own for the event you select.

PS: The University maintains “Atomic Learning,” which is a useful resource on the basic mechanics of manipulating Excel. I highly suggest you review that before attempting the assignment.

🔴 the second file includes the response for these 2 posts🔴 

🔵 1st post🔵

🔶 CA Wildfire Haddon Matrix🔶

Influencing Factors
Phase Host (People and animals) Agent/Vector (Combustibles, Spark Producing Items) Physical Environment (Homes/Communities) Social Environment/Organizational Culture (Community norms, regulations, rules)
Preevent • Educate public to register their phone numbers with AlertSanDiego to be notified for disasters/evacuations • Educate public about risks associated with Santa Ana conditions and easy probability of sparks

• Set up and maintain a vegetation management program to reduce wildland fuel

• Educate public to maintain defensible space around all buildings

• Ensure adequate escape routes exist

• Create and use alert system to notify public of Red Flag Warnings

• Educate public about importance of wildfire insurance for their homes

Event • Teach families how to make a wildfire evacuation plan

• Teach families about making a go bag

• Practice evacuation plans

• Advise public in areas nearby but not evacuated to stay indoors and explain the risks of inhaling fumes and ash

• Educate public about differences in flammability with different vegetation so they can chose to plant those that have a lower risk

• Enable Cal Fire to be able to enforce rules in wildland

• Ensure evacuation shelters can be set up quickly and safely. This includes shelters for pets as well.

• Monitor weather continuously during the event. Of particular importance is wind speed, wind direction, and humidity levels.

• Deploy local law enforcement to help with evacuating communities

• Ensure Cal Fire and other fire depts are funded adequatly to respond to a widespread fire

• Ensure mutual aid agreements exist with neighboring states, as well as local military bases

• Ensure evacuation maps/orders are clear to the public

Postevent • Provide first aid to any individuals directly affected

• Provide mental health relief to those individuals whom lost their homes or a loved one

• Provide treatment to individuals struggling with breathing due to air quality

• Provide treatment to firefighters

• Determine root cause of the fire

• Cleanup of the fire debris/ash

• Build structures with minimal toxic materials

• Understand risk that the damage has done to a community and ensure the public understands the risk. For example, is the community now in danger of mudslides due to the fire damage.

• Get communities up and running again as soon as possible

• Assist those whom lost their homes with understanding their insurance rights

• Understand the economic impact to the community
