group counseling assignment 3

You are working in a community mental health department. The supervisor wants you to start a group for clients with drug addiction. You need to perform the following tasks:

Create a flyer that will serve the following function:

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  • advertise the group to the clients in a creative way
  • appear client-friendly to gain the interest of potential clients
  • include information on the types of addiction the group will be addressing and potential discussion topics.

Write a 1 page email to the other therapist with the purpose of getting client referrals from the other therapist’s caseloads. The email should include the following:

  • provide an overview of the group
  • explain how you plan to form the group, and your reasoning for each step
  • explain how they can refer clients on their caseload to you

Cite your sources using APA style and include a reference section at the end of the pamphlet.


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