Generate a list of questions you will ask during the interview such as teaching strategies, theories, technology, and evaluation techniques.

Seasoned nurse educators possess wisdom about teaching (a kind of “with-it-ness”), which they have developed through practical experience over the years. As a person new to nursing education, you have a great deal to learn from a seasoned mentor. In order to gain access to that knowledge, you will conduct an interview with an experienced nurse educator either in a hospital or college setting. Your interview may be conducted face-to-face, online, or by telephone.

For this assignment, you are to:

  • Generate a list of questions you will ask during the interview such as teaching strategies, theories, technology, and evaluation techniques.
  • Conduct the interview.
  • Your discussion post should include:
    • The setting.
    • How the interview was conducted.
    • The questions asked and the responses given.
    • Anything else you think to be important.

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