expound on this week s verse and its application to the economics concepts

Expound on this week’s verse and its application to the economics concepts covered in the text and lecture

Proverbs 16:26

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Utilize the required readings as a base, cite appropriate examples/principles from the texts and include a minimum of two academic peer reviewed scholarly articles that bring depth and insight to the dialogue. Following the initial post, the first response continues in an academic nature by providing at least one scholarly reference in the reply that again brings additional insights and depth to the discussion. The second response allows for a time of reflection–describe what you gained from reading another student’s initial post, extra references or research are not expected for the second reply. Write simply, concisely, and with goals to understand and inform.

  • Modern Principles of Economics, 3rd Edition (New York: Worth Publishers, 2016), Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrock.
  • Cowen and Tabarrock Chapters 1-3, 22

200-300 words


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