Explain how your use of music might impact your cognitive function. Draw on the research literature from both the “music and the brain” and “music in schools” lectures to support your ideas.

Part 1 (uploaded file): Complete the Healthy-Unhealthy Uses of Music Scale (HUMS). Write a reflective summary of your responses and comment on the health of your use of music (approx. 300 words. Include a photo/scan of your HUMS as an appendix at the end of your assignment. Appendices are not included in your word count). Download the HUMS here (explained in Week 5 lecture): HUMS scale.pdf

Part 2: Explain how your use of music might impact your cognitive function. Draw on the research literature from both the “music and the brain” and “music in schools” lectures to support your ideas. (approx. 700 words)

Part 3: Explain how your use of music might impact your emotions. Draw on the research literature from both the “music and emotions” and “music and adolescents” lectures to support your ideas. (approx. 700 words)

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Part 4: write a final reflection on how your uses of music might change across your lifespan, drawing on the research literature from any of the lectures this semester. (approx. 300 words)