Expansion of Mental Health or Substance Abuse Services

Expansion of Mental Health or Substance Abuse Services

Question description

Under the ACA, the expansion of behavioral health services is mandated for health care organizations. Whether your current health care organization already offers these types of behavioral services, or whether it will need to begin offering these types of behavioral health services, is subject to evaluation and goal setting by both the health care executive and the board of directors. As a current or future health care executive, you will likely engage in developing business plans for new initiatives and health care delivery service flows in your health care organization. With the recent move to address expanded behavioral health services in health care organizations, developing a business plan for expanded behavioral health services is both timely and appropriate.

Review the resources for this week and review the business plan template for this Assignment. Reflect on the major considerations your health care leadership team members need to keep in mind when developing a business plan for the expansion of either mental health or substance abuse services in your health care organization.

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The Assignment: (5 pages)

  • The ACA has provided for increased coverage of mental health and substance abuse services; however, there remains a shortage of these services in health care organizations. Your role as a health care leadership team is to evaluate opportunities for expanded behavioral health initiatives. Develop a business plan to model the expansion of either mental health or substance abuse services within your health care organization.
  • Also, prepare your business development plan as a PowerPoint presentation.


Albright, B. (2014). The ACA and behavioral health: A look ahead. Behavioral Healthcare, 34. (2), 36–40.

Beronio, K., Glied, S., & Frank, R. (2014). How the Affordable Care Act and mental health parity and Addiction Equity Act expand coverage of behavioral health care. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 41(4), 410–428.

Buck, J. A. (2011). The looming expansion and transformation of public substance abuse treatment under the affordable care act. Health Affairs, 30(8), 1402–1410.

Coffey, M. J., & Coffey, C. E. (2016). There is no health(care) without mental health(care). In The Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development of the American Hospital Association (Ed.), Futurescan healthcare trends and implications: 2016–2021 (pp. 43–46). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Garfield, R. L., Lave, J. R., & Donohue, J. M. (2010). Health reform and the scope of benefits for mental health and substance use disorder services. Psychiatric Services, 61(11), 1081–1086.

Ogundipe, B., Alam, F., Gazula, L, Olagbemiro, Y., Osiezagha, K., Bailey, R. K., & Richie, W. D. (2015 ). Remaking the American health care system: A positive reflection on the Affordable Care Act with emphasis on mental health care. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 26(1), 49–61.