Examine some of the pharmacodynamics associated with medicating children
Family Therapy Course
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Examine some of the pharmacodynamics associated with medicating children. Consider issues of physiologic, developmental, pharmacokinetics in your reflection.
· Which SSRIs have been approved for use with children and/or adolescents?
· What other medications have been approved for children and adolescents? List the associated approved age ranges.
· What are the most important advocacy questions to ask your client and their caregiver regarding a child on psychotropic medication?
Imagine yourself as a Family Therapist working with a child and his/her family who is being treated for an attention disorder. Reflect and respond to the following:
· What are the symptoms being medicated?
· Which drugs are supposed to treat which symptoms?
· Has there been an improvement in the targeted symptoms since the child started taking the drug(s)?
· If not, why continue the child on the drug(s)?
Support your assignment with at least two scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.