Examine how the role of advertising has changed throughout the last several decades

Examine how the role of advertising has changed throughout the last several decades. How has this impacted the evolution of societal expectations? Compare and contrast the negative and positive aspects of this relationship

Question descriptionI need and essay apa style no title page just essay with references and citations .

In addition, find attach picture example of mass media (DTCA, news story, medical brochure, etc.)nest your image in your paper.

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  • tdiscuss the potential bias that may be integrated to the image.
  • 1. Du Pre, A. (2017) Communicating About Health Current Issues and Perspectives, (5th Ed.). New York, NY: Oxford Press Inc. CH 11
  • Burnett 2. Heldman, A., Schindelar, J., & Weaver, J.B. (2013). Social Media Engagement and Public Health Communication: Implications for Public Health Organizations Being Truly “Social”. Public Health Reviews, 35(1), 1-18. Attached above, Retrievedfrom http://search.proquest.com.libproxy.boisestate.edu/docview/1464737561?OpenUrlRefId=info:xri/sid:wcdiscovery&accountid=9649 Linked above.
  • Community Preventative Services Task Force, (2014). Combination of Mass Media Health Campaigns and Health –Related Product Distribution Is Recommended to Improve Health Behaviors. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 47(3), 372-374. Attached above, Retrieved from http://www.thecommunityguide.org/healthcommunication/healhcomm-AJPM-recs-campaigns.pdf Linked above.

References image # 1 https://blogs.cisco.com/sp/four-ways-tv-advertising-will-change-during-this-decade