Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management1
Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management1 IIBM Institute of Business ManagementIIBM Institute of Business ManagementExamination Paper MM.100Hospital AdministrationSection A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks) This section consists of Multiple Choices and Short Notes type Questions. Answer all the questions. Part One carries 1 mark each and Part Two carries 5 marks each.Part One:Multiple forms:1. Low growth low market share products are termed as___________a. Starsb. Cash cowsc. Dogsd. None2. To improve organizational performance „Alfred Sloan‟ introduced „3S term‟ as doctrine ofstrategy, structure and?a. Systemb. Solutionc. Shared. None3. Overburdening may occur due to too many group members seeking out an individual forinformation and assistance, a solution to such problem is_____________a. Linear organizationb. Circular organizationc. Elliptical organizationd. None4. NHS stands for_________________5. ICU in medication stands for Internal cure union.(T/F)6. There are 4 levels of strategic consensus that have been identified among the managers, one levelin which managers are informed about the strategy but they are not willing to act iscalled___________a. Blind devotionb. Informed scepticismc. Weak consensusd. None7. OCB stands for Organization citizenship behavior.(T/F)Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management2IIBM Institute of Business Management8. BPR stands business process re enforcement.(T/F)9. The best way to avoid conflict and there by preserve relationship with in the health careorganization is____________a. Spiral of silenceb. Web of solutionc. Web of solutiond. None10. IPE stands for inter disciplinary education.(T/F)Part Two:1. Discuss the Managerial issues in Disaster Management?2. What do you understand by the Outpatient Department (OPD)?3. Write short note on Quality Assurance in a Hospital?4. Briefly describe the importance and functions of Housekeeping department in the Hospital?END OF SECTION ASection B: Caselets (40 marks) This section consists of Caselets. Answer all the questions. Each caselet carries 20 marks. Detailed information should form the part of your answer Caselet 1CULTURAL BELIEFSAn organization‟s culture can be studied at three levels: artefacts, values and assumptions. Artefactsare the organizational structures that are visible to the members of the organization. Values are thestrategies, goals and philosophies of the organization‟s members. The basic, underlying assumptionsof group members include taken-for-granted beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and feelings. Even thoughcertain basic assumptions are evident, taken for granted and are not normally confronted or debated,the culture of the organization will become evident at the level of observable artefacts and in theshared values, norms and rules of behavior of the organization‟s member. Group norms are sets ofshared values that have been valedated through a consensus process. The social validation of groupnorms arises when certain values are confirmed by the shared experiences of the group and thesenorms are passed onto new members as being the correct way to do things. This mechanism ofembedding and meshing culture is undertaken at an unconscious level in most organizations.Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management3IIBM Institute of Business ManagementAlthough culture resides in the minds of the members of the organization, it is transmitted throughvisible expressions, such as formal and informal routines and everyday rituals of existence undertakenby members of the organization. Over time, shared experiences develop into a set of core values thatbecome embedded in individual and organizational philosophy and ideology that ultimately serves toguide action and behavior. This process is an important mechanism in the transmission of sharedprofessional assumptions, values, artefacts and symbols from the master to the student and in thedevelopment of the socialization process that professional clinicians undergo. Therefore, the internalorientation of employees is based primarily on the culture, values, beliefs, ethics and assumptions ofthe organization‟s staff; this is particularly evident amongst health service employees, although theorientation may differ between clinicians and non-clinicians.1. Why according to you Artefacts are essential for the development of an organization‟s culture?2. Elaborate the cultural beliefs of your company?Caselet 2There are many ways of managing change. Few organizational changes are complete failures, andfew are entirely successful. The management of change draws from psychological, behavioral,political, social and culture dimensions, many of which may be conflicting. A realization that changeis the result of competition between driving and restraining forces is evident in much of the literature.Lewin noted some forces drive change whilst others resist change. A change agent is required tofecilitate change, to manage the restraining forces, and to drive change through. The change isrequired to understand change as a phenomenon, identify the key emotional reactions associated withchange, such as resistance, and know how to manage change in a positive manner. Kotter contendsthat both leadership and management skills are required to effectively and positively manage change,particularly in a volatile environment. He further argues that the change process is deductive; it isabout managing complexity and is often undertaken in order to prevent a more chaotic reality thanthat presently in force. If change is approached with a certain level of excitement and enthusiasm, itwill create opportunities that will make patients lives better. However, change is often introducedwithout due regard for the realities of individual areas of health care practice. Some managers maynot have an insight into the effect of the change on the lives of individuals or realizations that evenminor change may have unintended consequences for the individual and the organization. Mostresistance to change occurs not because of the proposed change, but as a result of individualperceptions of expected outcomes due to the change and on how this is likely to impact on their lives.Therefore, an accurate assessment of the environment, both internal and external to the organization,is required prior to the change, thus preventing negative consequences for individuals.1. Why there is a need of change?2. With reference to your company, what changes you prefer?END OF SECTION BSection C: Applied Theory (30 marks)Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management4IIBM Institute of Business Management This section consists of Applied Theory Questions. Answer all the questions. Each question carries 15 marks. Detailed information should form the part of your answer 1. What do you mean by Emergency Department Planning? How would you explain the managerialissues in Emergency department?2. Write short note on the following terms:1) Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD)2) Total Quality Management in Health Care3) Medical Audit and its AdministrationEND OF SECTION CExamination Paper of Health & Hospital Management5IIBM Institute of Business ManagementIIBM Institute of Business ManagementExamination Paper MM.100Principles of Hospital Administration and PlanningSection A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks) This section consists of Multiple Choices and Short Not type Questions. Answer all the questions. Part One carries 1 mark each and Part Two carries 5 marks each.Part One:Multiple Choices:1. A method of collaborative work in which visual display of information on flip charts or othermedia to which other group member can use is__________a. Decision matricesb. Multivotingc. Boardingd. Brainstorming2. A tool for Data collection which summarise perception of a large sample of peopleis___________a. Surveysb. Interviewsc. Check sheetd. Data sheets3. Members of Inspection control committee_________a. Microbiologist, O.T. incharge, Medical Superintendentb. Representative from Nursing Service, CSSD in charge, Representative from major clinicaldepartmentc. Both (a) & (b)d. None of the above4. MRD stands for___________a. Medical Records Departmentb. Medicine Records Departmentc. Medicine Release Departmentd. None of the above5. Format for appraisal in which rank order is establish of employees based on their relativemerit_________a. Forced Distribution Techniqueb. Graphic Rating Scalec. Ranking methodsd. Free Written RatingsExamination Paper of Health & Hospital Management6IIBM Institute of Business Management6. Analytical technique in Materials Management in which all items in inventory on the basis ofannual usuage time cost is________a. FSN Analysisb. ABC Analysisc. VED Analysisd. None of the above7. Planning tool used in Quality Management in which the items are written on individual cards anddisplayed on a flip chart__________a. Relations Diagramb. Process Decision Program chartc. Affinity Diagramd. Activity Network Diagram8. Method of filing of Medical records in which involves filing of records in exact chronologicalorder according to unit / serial number___________a. Middle Digit filingb. Terminal Digit filingc. Straight Numeric filingd. None of the above9. Type of hospital in which the number of beds is over 300 beds is known as___________a. Large hospitalb. Medium sized hospitalc. Small hospitald. None of the above10. Meeting in hospital whose purpose is to pass on information received from agencies is_________a. Informative Meetingb. Consultative Meetingc. Executive Meetingd. None of the abovePart Two:1. What are the factors affecting “Retraining” in a hospital?2. Write short note on Finance in Hospitals?3