Evidence And Non-Evidence Based Treatment Options

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read both “Limitations to Evidence-Based Practice” and “Rationale and Standards of Evidence-Based Practice,”and listen to the Case Studies in Non-evidence Based Treatment Part One. On the last day of Week 5, listen to Case Studies in Non-evidence Based Treatment Part Two.

For your initial post, you will choose one of the case studies from this week’s audio file selection on which to base your remarks. Based on the available information, evaluate the symptoms and presenting problems for the patient in the chosen case study and propose a provisional diagnosis. Describe one evidence-based treatment for this diagnosis and provide a rationale for your choice. Research at least two peer-reviewed articles to support your evidence-based treatment selection.


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Brewer, S., Cervantes, E., & Simpelo, V. (2014). Case studies in non-evidence-based treatment: Part one Preview the document [Audio file]. College of Health and Human Services, Ashford University: San Diego, CA.

  • This audio file briefly presents case studies illustrating patients who responded to non-evidence-based treatment after evidence-based treatment failed to alleviate their symptoms.

Brewer, S., Cervantes, E., & Simpelo, V. (2014). Case studies in non-evidence-based treatment: Part twoPreview the document [Audio file]. College of Health and Human Services, Ashford University: San Diego, CA.

  • This audio file briefly presents case studies illustrating patients who responded to non-evidence-based treatment after evidence-based treatment failed to alleviate their symptoms.