Evaluate the social determinants that may impact current public health issues within the U.S.

Special Topics in Public Health Part

From the assigned readings this week, review the following Web resource:

World Health Organization (WHO). (2012). Social determinants of health. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/social_determinants/en/

Respond to the following:

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Evaluate the social determinants that may impact current public health issues within the U.S.

Select a current public health issue in the U.S. and describe the social determinant that impacts the issue.

Describe existing practices that are in place to improve economic or social determinants. What additional measures can you recommend?

In your opinion, analyze whether more can be done to address the issue. Include an analysis of whether policy creates interference.

Special Topics in Public Health Part

From the assigned readings this week, review the following Web resource:

World Health Organization (WHO). (2012). Social determinants of health. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/social_determinants/en/

Respond to the following:

Evaluate the social determinants that may impact current public health issues within the U.S.

Select a current public health issue in the U.S. and describe the social determinant that impacts the issue.

Describe existing practices that are in place to improve economic or social determinants. What additional measures can you recommend?

In your opinion, analyze whether more can be done to address the issue. Include an analysis of whether policy creates interference.