Essentials of Lifespan Development
Presentation Assignment – Life Span Development
BOOK is Essentials of Lifespan Development (5th Ed.) by John Santrock
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Order Paper NowUsing research throughout Chapter 2 (ATTACHED BELOW), create a PowerPoint presentation for expectant fathers on what to expect during pregnancy and childbirth.
Use 1 slide each to answer each question…..
Use MORE graphics and little text to explain your point
For example, what changes can the father expect in his partner?
What changes does the baby undergo during each trimester?
Why are health and nutrition so important during pregnancy?
What will the newborn look like?
How can the father support the mother during pregnancy and childbirth?
Why is social support important for both mother and baby?
very nicely designed
CHAPTER 2 Biological Beginnings CHAPTER OUTLINE • THE EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE • Natural Selection and Adaptive Behavior
• Evolutionary Psychology
• Genetic Principles
• Chromosome and Gene-Linked Abnormalities
• Heredity-Environment Correlations
• The Epigenetic View and Gene × Environment (G × E) Interaction
• Conclusions About Heredity-Environment Interaction
• PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT • The Course of Prenatal Development
• Prenatal Tests
• Infertility and Reproductive Technology
• Hazards to Prenatal Development
• Prenatal Care
• The Transition from Fetus to Newborn
• Low Birth Weight and Preterm Infants
• Bonding
• The Postpartum Period
Stories of Life-Span Development: The Jim and Jim Twins Jim Springer and Jim Lewis are identical twins. They were separated at 4 weeks of age and did
not see each other again until they were 39 years old. Both worked as part-time deputy sheriffs,
vacationed in Florida, drove Chevrolets, had dogs named Toy, and married and divorced women
named Betty. One twin named his son James Allan, and the other named his son James Alan.
Both liked math but not spelling, enjoyed carpentry and mechanical drawing, chewed their
fingernails down to the nubs, had almost identical drinking and smoking habits, had
hemorrhoids, put on 10 pounds at about the same point in development, first suffered headaches
at the age of 18, and had similar sleep patterns.
Jim and Jim do have some differences. One wears his hair over his forehead, the other slicks it
back and has sideburns. One expresses himself best orally; the other is more proficient in
writing. But, for the most part, their profiles are remarkably similar.
Another pair of identical twins, Daphne and Barbara, were called the “giggle sisters”
by researchers because after being reunited they were always making each other laugh.
A thorough search of their adoptive families’ histories revealed no gigglers. The giggle Page
36 sisters ignored stress, avoided conflict and controversy whenever possible, and showed
no interest in politics.
Jim and Jim and the giggle sisters were part of the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart,
directed by Thomas Bouchard and his colleagues. The study brings identical twins (who are
identical genetically because they come from the same fertilized egg) and fraternal twins (who
come from different fertilized eggs) from all over the world to Minneapolis to investigate their
lives. There the twins complete personality and intelligence tests, and provide detailed medical
histories, including information about diet and smoking, exercise habits, chest X-rays, heart
stress tests, and EEGs. The twins are asked more than 15,000 questions about their family and
childhood, personal interests, vocational orientation, values, and aesthetic judgments (Bouchard
& others, 1990).
When genetically identical twins who were separated as infants show such striking similarities in
their tastes and habits and choices, can we conclude that their genes must have caused these
similarities? Although genes play a role, we also need to consider other possible causes. The
twins shared not only the same genes but also some similar experiences. Some of the separated
twins lived together for several months prior to their adoption; some had been reunited prior to
testing (in some cases, many years earlier); adoption agencies often place twins in similar homes;
and even strangers who spend several hours together and start comparing their lives are likely to
come up with some coincidental similarities (Joseph, 2006).
The Minnesota study of identical twins points to both the importance of the genetic basis of
human development and the need for further research on genetic and environmental factors.
The examples of Jim and Jim and the giggle sisters stimulate us to think about our genetic
heritage and the biological foundations of our existence. Organisms are not like billiard balls,
moved by simple, external forces to predictable positions on life’s pool table. Environmental
experiences and biological foundations work together to make us who we are. Our coverage of
life’s biological beginnings and experiences will emphasize the evolutionary perspective; genetic