E-Cigarette Makers Are in an Arms Race for Exotic Vapor Flavors


  1. Before answering this question, read the following three articles:

“Applying Catholic Social Teachings to Ethical Issues in Marketing”


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“E-Cigarette Makers Are in an Arms Race for Exotic Vapor Flavors”

“A Bolder Effort by Big Tobacco on E-Cigarettes”


Based on the main tenets of Catholic Social Teaching (CST), is the marketing of flavored e-cigarettes ethical?  Why or why not?  When answering this question, you must apply three germane CST principles from Klein and Laczniak’s article, “Applying Catholic Social Teachings to Ethical Issues in Marketing,” and provide sound reasoning to support your position.  Note: Do not simply mention the three CST principles without specifically relating them to the marketing of flavored e-cigarettes and content from Klein and Laczniak’s article as well as the New York Times articles.


  1. Present a sensible counterargument, to the position you took in Question 1, based on three applicable CST principles from Klein and Laczniak’s article, “Applying Catholic Social Teachings to Ethical Issues in Marketing,” and provide sound reasoning to support your counter argument. Note: Again, do not simply mention the three CST principles without specifically relating them to the marketing of flavored e-cigarettes and content from Klein and Laczniak’s article as well as the New York Times  Depending on the position you take in Question1, when answering this question, you will either be assuming the role of a public health/anti-smoking advocate or e-cigarette company marketing manager.


  1. In your opinion, should the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching be used to address ethical questions in marketing? Why?  In your answer, give two concrete reasons that support your view.


  1. Should a Business Ethics course be part of the HEBSBA’s MBA program 30-credit hour required core curriculum? Why?  In your answer, give two specific reasons that support your opinion.


  1. Bonus Question.

Relate the five core values of the Mission of the University of the Incarnate Word to the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching.  Each value should be discussed separately and specifically related to one of the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching.  In your answer, you must clearly demonstrate how each core value is embraced by a CST principle.  Note: Bonus points will be earned based on the quality of your answer, i.e., the depth of your insight.

Additional Instructions

UIW’s Academic Integrity Policy applies to this assignment and will be enforced if violated.  If you do not follow the instructions given in the previous paragraph, you will violate UIW’s Academic Integrity Policy.  For information about UIW’s Academic Integrity Policy, see the course syllabus or www.uiw.edu/undergraduatecatalog0709/355.htm.  Eyebrows will be raised, if I see two or more papers with the same qualitative answers and/or calculation mistakes.  Since this type of situation does not happen by chance, I reserve the right not to grade such papers.  In other words, each paper will earn a grade of 0.  In addition, the H-E-B School of Business & Administration Dean will be informed about the transgression.


Your paper will be graded based on the completeness and quality of your answers to the above questions, including the extent and caliber of your critical thinking and analysis. To answer the questions, it will be necessary to incorporate pertinent information from the assigned Journal of Macromarketing and New York Times articles.


When doing the assignment, the questions must be answered in order and numbered.  Assignment pages must be stapled together.  A 20 percent penalty will be applied to an unstapled assignment.  In addition, please type and double-space your answers using 12-point font.  A 10 percent penalty will be applied to a single-spaced assignment.  In addition, be sure to proofread and edit your paper.  As noted before, as the number of spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and formatting mistakes in a paper increases, my interest in reading the paper decreases exponentially, leading to a lower assignment grade.