Does the use of intermittent pneumatic compression device prevent deep vein thrombosis.

Person â€“
Orthopedic post-operative patients

Intervention â€“Does
the use of intermittent pneumatic compression device prevent deep vein

Comparison –
Standard treatment like, early ambulation, graduated elastic compression
stocking, and anticoagulation therapy.

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Outcome -The
risk of getting Deep Vein Thrombosis following orthopedic surgery will be
reduced with the use of intermittent pneumatic compression device.

Time– 6


In orthopedic post-operative
patients (P) does the use of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Device (I)
compared to standard treatments like early ambulation, graduated elastic
compression stocking, and anti-coagulation therapy (C) reduce the risk of Deep
Vein Thrombosis (o) during a six months study period (T) ?

Outcome -The
risk of getting Deep Vein Thrombosis following orthopedic surgery will be
reduced with the use of intermittent pneumatic compression device.

Time– 6


In orthopedic post-operative
patients (P) does the use of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Device (I)
compared to standard treatments like early ambulation, graduated elastic
compression stocking, and anti-coagulation therapy (C) reduce the risk of Deep
Vein Thrombosis (o) during a six months study period (T) ?
