Do you believe the internet and Information Technology is an influential means to enhance health care delivery?

Please provide 150-200 words for each question.


  • Today’s technology now gives the patient the ability to see their personal health information as needed, without having to provide this information to another person. Class, do you believe when the patients feel empowered, and aware of their conditions and treatments, they feel more comfortable to discuss this information with their health care provider, and feel more involved in the process. Explain why or Why not?


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  • Do you believe the internet and Information Technology is an influential means to enhance health care delivery? Explain why or Why not?


  • Do you believe a lot of health care organization debt comes from overspending on emerging new technology in order to stay competitive?
    • Today’s technology now gives the patient the ability to see their personal health information as needed, without having to provide this information to another person. Class, do you believe when the patients feel empowered, and aware of their conditions and treatments, they feel more comfortable to discuss this information with their health care provider, and feel more involved in the process. Explain why or Why not?


    • Do you believe the internet and Information Technology is an influential means to enhance health care delivery? Explain why or Why not?


    • Do you believe a lot of health care organization debt comes from overspending on emerging new technology in order to stay competitive?