discuss how the compliance law requirements and business drivers for the health care provider’s workstation domain might differ from the DoD’s workstation domain security compliance requirements.

 From your computer workstation, create a new text document called Workstation Domain Lab #6.


2. Consider the following scenario:

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You are a security consultant for an information systems security firm and have a new health care


provider client under HIPAA compliance. Your new client wants to know the requirements and


business drivers for securing the workstation domain in its health care environment. Your new client


requires compliance with HIPAA. Similarly, your firm has a U.S. government DoD client that also


wants you to perform a workstation domain compliance audit per DoD workstation hardening guidelines


and baseline requirements.



3. In your text document, discuss how the compliance law requirements and business drivers for the health care provider’s workstation domain might differ from the DoD’s workstation domain security compliance requirements.



4. Launch your Web browser and in the address box, type the Web address http://cve.mitre.org.Browse the


site, and then in your text document, identify the risks, threats, and vulnerabilities commonly found in




the workstation domain.



5. Change your Web address to http://iase.disa.mil/stigs/index.htmlReview the Security Technical




Implementation Guides (STIGs) available and the proper implementation of security based on DoD’s



workstation/desktop hardening guidelines. In your text document, discuss three STIGs and the DoD’s


workstation/desktop hardening guidelines.



6. Change your Web address to http://iase.disa.mil/stigs/downloads/pdf/unclassified_Desktop


ApplicationsGeneral_V4R1_STIG.pdf. You will download the pdf document from the IASE/DISA website.


Review the Desktop Applications General Version 4, Release 1 document. In your text document,discuss


this document’s significant points. Then, review the following concepts from this overarching DoD


standards document for desktop hardening, and in your text document, discuss the significant points


of two of these topics:




a. Appropriate backup strategy does not exist


b. Public instant message clients are installed


c. Peer to Peer clients or utilities are installed


d. Execution Restricted File Type Properties


e. Open-restricted File Type Properties



7. Change your Web address to http://iase.disa.mil/stigs/os/index.html#Review the Windows OS security


guidelines by clicking the +Windows tab toward the top of the page, clicking on Windows 7 and


Windows 2008, and then clicking on the Guidance Documents tabs. Determine which technical


controls are appropriate for Windows 7 and Windows 2008. Note these in your text document.


8. On the left side of the website, click the STIGs Master List (A to Z) linkScroll down the list tolocate and


then download the following Windows OS security guideline documents/zip files:


a. Windows 7 STIG (you will see several Windows 7 STIG options; click the one with only a Version




number and a Release number after STIG)



b. Windows 2008 STIG (you will see a couple of Windows 2008 STIG options; click the one with only


a Version number and a Release number after STIG)



Once you’ve downloaded the Windows 7 STIG ZIP file to your desktop, double-click the ZIP file to extract


the Windows 7 STIG folder. Double-click the folder to open it, double-click the Windows 7 Manual


STIG ZIP file to extract the Windows 7 Manual STIG folder, double-click the folder to open it, and then


double-click the Windows 7 STIG Manual XML file to open it. Review some of the following concepts.


In your text document, list each of these and discuss a significant point about each:




a. Display Shutdown Button


b. Clear System Pagefile


c. Removable media devices



Hands-On Steps 45








d. Halt on Audit Failure


e. Security Configuration Tools

Next you will work with the Windows 2008 STIG ZIP file on your desktop. Double-click the ZIP file to


extract the Windows 2008 STIG folder. Double-click the folder to open it, double-click the Windows


2008 DC Manual STIG ZIP file to extract the Windows 2008 DC Manual STIG folder, double-click the


folder to open it, and then double-click the Windows 2008 DC STIG Manual XML file to open it. Review




some of the following concepts and vulnerabilities for configuring and hardening Windows 2008



Domain Controllers. In your text document, list each of these and discuss a significant point about






a. System Recovery Backups


b. Caching of Logon Credentials


c. Dormant Accounts


d. Recycle Bin Configuration


e. Password Uniqueness


f. Printer Share Permissions



9. Change your Web address back to http://cve.mitre.org/Review the National Cyber Security Division




of the U.S. Homeland Security Department’s CVE listing hosted by the Mitre Corporation. To access



the CVE listing, click CVE List in the left-hand column to reach the CVE List Main Page. In your text


document, discuss how workstation domain OS and application software vulnerabilities are housed


in the CVE listing. Next, click the National Vulnerability Database link on the CVE homepage or CVE List


Main Page. In your text document, discuss how vulnerabilities are housed in the National Vulnerability


Database. Discuss how this is both a security control tool and an attack tool used by hackers.


10. Write an executive summary to summarize the top workstation domain risks, threats, and vulnerabilities and include a description of the risk mitigation tactics you would perform to audit the


workstation domain for compliance. Use the U.S. DoD workstation hardening guidelines as your


example for a baseline definition for compliance.



11. Submit the text document to your instructor as a deliverable for this lab.


46 Lab #6 | Auditing the Workstation Domain for Compliance