Developmental Psychology Response to classmate 125 words minimum

Developmental Psychology
Professor and fellow classmates
Threw unit one developmental psychology and the importance of the field withthe many areas are discussed. In this week’s discussion board questions expandon these topics.
1. Why is it important for psychology professionals to have an understanding ofdevelopmental psychology even if they do not work specifically with children?
Psychology professionals have to have an understanding of developmentalpsychology scientific study of changes in human behaviors and mentalactivities as they occur over a lifetime (Bukatko 2008 p.4) weatherthey work with children or adults since every single person starts out thesame way no matter the cultural background. This information helps psychologyprofessionals form treatment plans for their clients threw out theirtreatment.
2. Piaget Erikson and Vygotsky are important theorists in developmentalpsychology. In your own words describe briefly the focal point that eachtheorist places on childhood development.
Piaget’s focal points placed on childhood development include four stagesSensorimotor (Birth until 12 years) Preoperational (17 years)Concrete operational (7-11 years) and Formal Operational (11 years andabove) (Bukatko 2008 p.22). During each stage the child develops at thesame rate and stages threw out differing cultures.
Erikson focused on psychosocial theory that includes eight stages ofdevelopment basic trust vs. mistrust (birth-1 year) autonomy vs. shameand doubt (1-3)Initiativevs. guilt (3-6) industry vs. inferiority(6 years topuberty) indentity vs. indentity confusion (puberty toadulthood) Intimacy vs. isolation (young adulthood) generativity vs.stagnation (middle adulthood) and integrity vs. despair (old age)(Bukatko 2008 p.26). Erikson theorized that people deal with the demands onthem from society threw each of these stages threw out life.
Vygotsky forced his work in childhood development on sociohistorical theoryemphasizes the unique collective wisdom compiled by a culture andtransmitted to the child through ongoing daily interactions with the moreknowledgeable members of that society (Bukatko 2008 p.30); as well thedynamic systems theory and ethological theory.
Each Piaget Erikson and Vygotsky has points in each of their work withindevelopmental psychology on childhood development. Taken together the greatestunderstanding of how and why a person develops in to the person they are helpsprofessionals in all fields of social services such as psychology psychiatry andothers.
Thank you for reviewing this first discussion board post. I look forward toreading your feedback and continuing the discussion.
Bukatko D. (2008). Child and adolescentdevelopment. A chronological approach. Boston MA: Houghton Mifflin.

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