Describe the assessment tools used and identify their contribution to assessing organizational issues.

Part 1:Project Portfolio Workplace Assessment The Whole System



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Conduct a needs assessment






Strategies for performance improvement


Image 1-needs assessment (

Good Afternoon, my name is J’neen Barker-Rice and we are going to talk about some strategies for improvement focusing on whole system approach. First, we conducted a needs assessment. A needs assessment identifies needs, or gaps within the organization. A needs assessment is conducted in order to determine priorities, make improvements, or allocate resources based on results of the assessment. This assessment will help determine the way forward. Determine where the organization is vs. where you want to be (Kaufman et al., 1993). The phases that a needs assessment encompasses are identify the problem, gather/analyze data, and then decide on the resolution. Once the decision for the resolution is final, implementation of performance, strategies are implemented. We will discuss strategies and how they relate to the following areas:

Leadership style

Organizational culture

Mission, vision, and values alignment

System of management

Decision making

Motivational techniques

Employee morale


Communication and feedback


Needs Assessment


Leadership changes leaving the organization in a state of confusion


Compile data, and determine the area of most concern


How do we solve the problem of communication at all levels


Identify what is the issue within the organization. This has to be done first in order to develop the way forward. This is a government run task force that is funded to help with counter narcotic activity. The issue that has been identified is with the current leadership of the organization wanting to eliminate several positions, and repurpose other positions. In order to properly identify the issues, and gather data a survey was conducted at the headquarters level of the organization. The survey was completed anonymously in order to allow everyone to speak without fear of reprisal.

The survey covered areas such as: leadership, morale, motivation, training, and policy/procedures. Upon completion of the survey the data was analyzed in order to develop courses of action to address the found issues.

The next phase is to decide what to do next. We have identified the biggest issue as being communication, and specifically communication between leadership and subordinates. The next slides will outline strategies for improvement surrounding the issue of communication.




Leadership Style

Communication from leadership is vital in motivating employees towards change (Men et al., 2020).


The cornerstone of patriarchal management is strong leadership (Block, 2011)


Authoritarian leadership style

When looking at the whole system approach we have to look at what leadership styles we have throughout the organization. Each style is unique, and for us to move forward with change we need to know where we are currently. In looking at the data that was gathered, it is evident that the organization as a whole has lost trust in the leadership. As we move forward it is important to remember that we are all on an equal playing field right now, and we all want to solve the communication issue. The top leadership has a authoritarian leadership style, and that impacts how much you all as a whole has input.


Organizational Culture

Seek a collaborative relationship

Motivation is being hindered by the lack of communication

Individuals feel disconnected

The current organizational culture is one that focuses on taking care of “you” instead of improving the organization as a whole. This hinders production and motivation of everyone. When employees do not believe and have buy-in regarding the organization, you will also have a high turnover rate. This creates a hostile every person for themselves environment. In seeking a collaborative relationship, you allow everyone to have an opinion, and you gain buy-in from the employees. This in turn starts to increase motivation, and production. As the leadership starts to show they are willing to embrace a whole system approach, employees will be more open to change and their behaviors will change (Men et al., 2020).



Mission, Values, Ethics and Values Alignment

Breakdowns in communication show a lack of alignment with current mission and values




Lack of clarity causes disengagement


Missing or not communicated mission or values creates chaos


Communication coming from the leadership must align with the given mission, and values. This organization has a set standard for conduct, discipline, mission and values. It is evident that some feel these policies and procedures are not being followed. The lack of importance put on the founding principles of the organization, are a leadership issue. This also aids in the communication breakdown at all levels. As people see that the values of an organization as being compromised the moral starts to diminish. Many times when people feel that the mission and values are not being followed they will disengage. This makes communication break down further because people stop talking. Most people want to have input, and support the organization, but when guidance is missing/not enforced, they may see chaos.


System of Management and Decision Making

Systems are used in all parts of out lives

Hiring systems

Performance management systems


Decision Making

How are decisions made?

Is there collaboration? (use of whole system)


Systems of management must be involved in all aspects of an organization. This allows the decision makers to have a way to weight options based on the given set standards set forth in the systems of management. System management also includes the need to added communication in order to ensure everyone is on the same page. If everyone is operating under different influences, the organization becomes disjointed. This adds to low moral and a high turn over rate. To apply this with decision making practices, we have to look at who is asked for input with regards to decisions. Are the key stakeholders given an opportunity to provide input? Right now in this organization this piece is missing.


Employee Morale and Motivational Techniques

Morale is low as a whole across the organization


Low morale decreases productivity and wellness


This can be fixed!

Improve enforcement of policies and procedures

Include stakeholders in decision making

Validate good work

Morale being low in the organization is a direct reflection of the lack of communication and the feeling of not being valued. This is something that can be fixed overtime when you address some of the other issues. Morale will start to repair itself as communication increases, and people feel more valued. This will in turn increase productivity, and overall wellness of the organization. By showing that people are cared for you provide motivation and improve morale.


Communication and Feedback

Communication is why we are at the table now

Good communication must be achieved

Everyone has to be given a chance to be heard


Constructive feedback is essential to overall success

Given consistently

Feedback must be in a positive light

Communication is key to success. Once you have solid positive communication many other things fall into place. In this organization feedback is given quarterly in some cases, but it is not consistent throughout the organization. This falls into not following all policies and procedures which hurts the organization overall. Feedback is needed to validate what someone is supposed to be doing, what needs improvement, and ended with what the person is doing that is positive.



Increase communication by adding people to decision making processes

Improve motivation and morale with the increased communication

Provide feedback to employees on a regular bases

Reevaluate policies and procedures with input from stakeholder


In conclusion, we discussed the findings and the data produced from the needs assessment. It has been identified that communication is a major hindering factor as of today. This influences many areas of the organization, but there are multiple ways to improve this aspect. I have been in many organizations that struggle with communication, and the good thing is it is fixable. We just have to start breaking down all the factors that hinder the positive communication.



Block, P. (2011). Flawless consulting (3rd ed.). Wiley.

Image 1 Part two: How to do a needs assessment. (2020). needs-assessment.

Kaufman, R. A., Rojas, A. M., & Mayer, H. (1993). Needs assessment: a user’s guide. Educational Technology Publications.

Luo, Y., & Jiang, H. (2014). Effective Public Relations Leadership in Organizational Change: A Study of Multinationals in Mainland China. Journal of Public Relations Research, 26(2), 134–160.

Lusthaus, C., Adrien, M.-H., Anderson, G., Carden, F., & Montalvan, G. (2002). Organizational assessment: a framework for improving performance. Inter-American Development Bank.

Men, L. R., Yue, C. A., & Liu, Y. (2020). “Vision, passion, and care:” The impact of charismatic executive leadership communication on employee trust and support for organizational change. Public Relations Review, 46(3), 101927.