Define public policy and discuss how Americans fare on key measures of childhood health and well-being and policies for the elderly
Please select and answer comprehensively any 5 questions. This midterm covers the first ten chapters of Development through the Lifespan. Any supplemental professional journal articles can also be used to support your answers. Each answer must be at least two type-written pages double-spaced (500 words). Font type should be Times New Roman 12.
- As a child’s overall size increases, different parts of the body grow at different rates. Discuss the two growth patterns that describe these changes. Describe the two types of brain development and give examples of appropriate stimulation for each.
- Define public policy and discuss how Americans fare on key measures of childhood health and well-being and policies for the elderly. Then explain how both affluence and poverty can negatively affect development.
- Explain the core knowledge perspective of cognitive development, noting research that both supports and challenges its assumptions. Describe the information-processing view of cognitive development, including its contributions and limitations.
- Describe Bowlby’s ethological theory of attachment and trace the development of attachment during the first two years. Be sure to give specific examples.
- In addition to the cerebral cortex, which other parts of the brain make strides during early childhood? Identify the applicable brain structures, and discuss their impact on development. Explain in detail using examples from your readings.
- What is the most successful child-rearing style? Describe the characteristics of the approach and explain why it is effective. Provide specific examples of demonstrate each style.
- Describe the characteristics and signs of high-quality education in elementary school. Describe the U.S. No Child Left Behind Act, and discuss the pros and cons of high-stakes testing.
- Discuss age and sex differences in children’s adjustment to remarriage and entry into blended families. Describe the benefits and challenges of being reared as an only child. How does the development of Chinese only children compare to U.S. only children?
The midterm exam will consist of a set of essay questions from material in the text. The midterm will cover material from the first 4 modules (Chapters 1-10 of the text). The midterm will count for 15{0e601fc7fe3603dc36f9ca2f49ef4cd268b5950ef1bbcf1f795cc00e94cdd119} of your final grade.
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