Define multiple-role relationships and how one might occur in professional psychology.
Define multiple-role relationships and how one might occur in professional psychology.
Describe an example of a multiple-role relationship that you did not previously share in the module discussion. Discuss the ramifications for the professional and the person affected by the professional’s actions or inaction.
For additional details, please refer to the Module Two Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric document attached.
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Order Paper NowPSY 570 Module Two Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric Prompt: The four short paper assignments in this course provide you with an opportunity to explore course concepts to develop your own ideas about ethics in psychology. In this short paper, you will explore a multiple role relationship in the profession of psychology. You will develop an example of a multiple role relationship, evaluate the impact of this relationship upon both the professional and the individual affected, and conclude by assessing the example for violations of the APA Code of Ethics. Types of implications to consider for the professional and individual affected include:
Ethical Persons affected by the psychology professional’s actions or inaction include:
Research Participant In the first section of your paper, describe an example of a multiple role relationship that you did not previously share in the module discussion. Evaluate your example for any ramifications for the professional and the person affected by the professional’s actions or inaction. In the second section of your paper, apply the lens of the APA Code of Ethics Principles and Standards to your example. Assess the example for any ethical violations under the APA Code of Ethics. Conclude your short paper by describing strategies to avoid ethical conflicts of your example. Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2–3 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one- inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.
Rubric Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Multiple Role Relationship:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes insights relevant to chosen professional field
Develops an example of a multiple role relationship
Develops an example of a multiple role relationship but example does not clearly fit the criteria of a multiple role relationship
Does not develop an example of a multiple role relationship
Multiple Role Relationship: Implications
Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes insights relevant to chosen professional field
Evaluates the implications of the relationship upon both the professional and the affected person
Evaluates the implications of the relationship but on only the professional or the affected person
Does not evaluate the implications of the relationship
Multiple Role Relationship: APA
Code of Ethics
Meets “Proficient” criteria and suggests strategies to avoid any violations
Applies principles and standards from the APA Code of Ethics to assess multiple role relationship example for violations
Discusses principles and standards from the APA Code of Ethics in relation to multiple role relationship example
Does not discuss principles and standards from the APA Code of Ethics in relation to multiple role relationship example
APA Writing
No errors related to APA organization, grammar, style, or citations
Minor errors related to APA organization, grammar, style, and citations
Some errors related to APA organization, grammar, style, and citations
Major APA errors related to organization, grammar, style, and citations
Earned Total 100%