csc 335 week 9 and 10

Week 9
a) In Chapter 8, you modified the EventDemo program for Carly’s Catering to accept and display data for an array of three Event objects. Now, modify the program to use an array of eight Event objects. Prompt the user to choose an option to sort Events in ascending order by event number, number of guests, or event type. Display the sorted list, and continue to prompt the user for sorting options until the user enters a sentinel value. Save the file as
Create a zip file of the .java file(s) and submit the assignment.
b) In Chapter 8, you modified the RentalDemo program for Sammy’s Seashore Supplies to accept and display data for an array of three Rental objects. Now, modify the program to use an array of eight Rental objects. Prompt the user to choose an option to sort Rentals in ascending order by contract number, price, or equipment type. Display the sorted list, and continue to prompt the user for sorting options until the user enters a sentinel value. Save the file as
Create a zip file of the .java file(s) and submit the assignment.
Week 10
a In Chapter 8, you created an Event class for Carly’s Catering. Now extend the class to create a DinnerEvent class. In the extended class, include four new integer fields that represent numeric choices for an entrée, two side dishes, and a dessert for each DinnerEvent object. Also include three final arrays that contain String menu options for entrées, side dishes, and desserts, and store at least three choices in each array. Create a DinnerEvent constructor that requires arguments for an event number and number of guests, and integer menu choices for one entrée, two side dishes, and one dessert. Pass the first two parameters to the Event constructor, and assign the last four parameters to the appropriate local fields. Also include a getMenu() method that builds and returns a String including the Strings for the four menu choices. Save the file as
b. In Chapter 9, you created an EventDemo program for Carly’s Catering. The program uses an array of Event objects and allows the user to sort Events in ascending order by event number, number of guests, or event type. Now modify the program to use an array of four DinnerEvent objects. Prompt the user for all values for each object, and then allow the user to continuously sort the DinnerEvent descriptions by event number, number of guests, or event type. Save the file as
Create a zip file of the .java file(s) and submit the assignment.
a. In Chapter 8, you created a Rental class for Sammy’s Seashore Supplies. Now extend the class to create a LessonWithRental class. In the extended class, include a new Boolean field that indicates whether a lesson is required or optional for the type of equipment rented. Also include a final array that contains Strings representing the names of the instructors for each of the eight equipment types, and store names that you choose in the array. Create a LessonWithRental constructor that requires arguments for an event number, minutes for the rental, and an integer equipment type. Pass the first two parameters to the Rental constructor, and assign the last parameter to the equipment type. For the first two equipment types (personal watercraft and pontoon boat), set the Boolean lesson required field to true; otherwise, set it to false. Also include a getInstructor() method that builds and returns a String including the String for the equipment type, a message that indicates whether a lesson is required, and the instructor’s name. Save the file as
b. In Chapter 9, you created a RentalDemo program for Sammy’s Seashore Supplies. The program uses an array of Rental objects and allows the user to sort Rentals in ascending order by contract number, equipment type, or price. Now modify the program to use an array of four LessonWithRental objects. Prompt the user for all values for each object, and then allow the user to continuously sort the LessonWithRental descriptions by contract number, equipment type, or price. Save the file as

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