Critical Issues In Adolescence


PSY-355: Childhood and Adolescent Psychology

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Critical Issues in Adolescence Table


Directions: Each member of the group must choose one critical issue associated with adolescence and complete the fields listed in the table below for the chosen issue.

Issue Description

(50 – 100 words)

Impact on the adolescent (psychological, cognitive, and/or physical)

(50 – 100 words)

Risk factors

(50 – 100 words)

Interventions and Support Available

(50 – 100 words)


School Violence

School violence refers to victimization as a cause of physical or nonphysical violence. This could include threats, fights, carrying weapons, etc. Some of the more publicized incidents of school violence are the shootings that have happened at various schools. The Columbine shooting was an example of school violence that was widely publicized.

(National Child Traumatic Stress Network, n.d.)

School violence can lead a teen to feel afraid when they do attend school. Students may stop going to school; focus may decrease; they may have increased frustration, anxiety, and depression; and social relationships may suffer. In terms of their psychological health, many adolescents feel self-conscious about their ability to manage the emotions they cope with through the traumatic experience. They may feel embarrassed and not reach out for help. Bottled up emotions can lead to many other risky behaviors, such as self-harm, substance abuse, or suicide.

(National Child Traumatic Stress Network, n.d.)

There are many risk factors that can cause an individual to get involved in school violence. Some of these risk factors include a history of victimization/being bullied, abuse at home, lack of control of behavior and emotions, substance abuse, low IQ, antisocial behaviors, poor or lack of parental involvement, parental substance abuse, lack of community involvement and support systems, multiple moves or lack of a “home base,” poverty levels, gang involvement, rejection, and others.

(CDC, 2014)

Students who have experienced school violence may need individual or group counseling to cope with this type of traumatic experience. If and when an incident like this occurs, counselors may hold informational sessions at school to talk about coping with the stress of the incident and to provide additional resources. Adolescents may need additional support from their parents, teachers, and peers to overcome the fear of the event happening again.

(National Child Traumatic Stress Network, n.d.)





























National Child Traumatic Stress Network. (n.d.). The effects of trauma on schools and learning. Retrieved from

CDC. (2014). Youth violence: Risk and protective factors. Retrieved from


















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