Consider the use of technology intended to save lives during a car crash

Technology is often cited as the savior of an organization or society.  Consider the use of technology intended to save lives during a car crash.  Every year, on average, the United States represent approximately 10 million car accidents.  Car manufacturers have responded by implementing high-tech modeling, numerical analyses, crash testing, and extensive case studies as to make cars safer.  Despite such efforts and costs, the number of car accidents per year remains roughly constant over the previous decade.

What went wrong?  How can you explain how the technology did not alleviate the problem?  What theories of change (or change implementation) would have helped car manufacturers and regulators address the steady number of car accidents per year?  How might you go about solving such a problem?  Would any newer or novel technologies help resolve the problem?

In-text citations should be given to support your work. A minimum of four in-text citations are required.

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Essays are graded using the following criteria:

• Content—essays must respond to the scenario and writing prompt while
demonstrating a command of knowledge and practices in the field surrounding the
writing prompt.

• Critical thinking—essays must demonstrate the ability to analyze the writing prompt, synthesize a perspective, and either deduce or infer valid conclusions.

• Style—essays must be double spaced, use Time New Roman 12 point font, be free of spelling errors, and contain proper headings.

• Demonstration—papers must demonstrate recall of a few key learning objectives and topics covered during core classes.NHTSA’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590
DOT HS 811 620 May 2012
This Research Note examines the status of motor vehicle traffic
crashes as a leading cause of death in the United States in
2009. This note reflects an update of a prior research note (DOT
HS 811 443) that was based on the mortality data for 2007. It is
based on a study of the ranking of 68 causes of death, which
have been adopted by NHTSA’s National Center for Statistics
and Analysis (NCSA). This study was originally prompted by
a number of unanswered questions regarding adequate background
material and appropriate information pertaining to
the general concept of motor vehicle traffic crashes as a leading
cause of death. Although the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS) in its annual report on mortality publishes
detailed tabulations of the leading causes of death, the fatalities
due to motor vehicle traffic crashes are lumped into the
very general category of Unintentional Injuries. Fatalities due
to motor vehicle traffic crashes comprise a significant proportion
of all fatalities due to unintentional injuries, especially
at younger ages. This fact has prompted NHTSA to separate
motor vehicle crashes as an individual cause of death in this
report. NCSA added the computation of the years of lost life to
the conventional rank ordering of the causes of death in order
to highlight the tremendous toll that motor vehicle traffic
crashes have on the younger population. In fact, while motor
vehicle traffic crashes ranked eleventh overall as a cause of
death, they were ranked as high as fifth in terms of the years
of life lost, behind other major causes of death such as cancer,
heart diseases, stroke and chronic lower respiratory diseases.