Consider the ideas in Trinity: A Whole of Being. Can creative expression from People with Disability build more truthful understanding about diverse conditions of ability?

Consider the ideas in Trinity: A Whole of Being. Can creative expression from People with Disability build more truthful understanding about diverse conditions of ability?  How did Shelly Berry communicate her humanity through the short experimental films?  Zhang and Haller researched people with disability, media and identity formation. What do their results suggest as a good solution strategy?
( Film: Whole: A Trinity of Being- Shelly Barry, Director. (2005) Spinning Wheels .
Experimental biographical short films include creative expressions of Barry, a poet, dancer
filmmaker artist about her life, love and vision after a hate crime shooting left her a parapalegic.
Consider the truth, humanity and vision  expressed in the artists’ work.
Joystick Warriors (2013) Sut Jhally. MEF)