- Please keep cognitive behavioral therapy for the entire paper
- A one-sentence statement (mantra) that most closely summarizes your mantra for practice (cognitive behavior therapy) est you can what is most important to you in your full PPPS in a single coherent sentence – this will be challenging and forces you to choose what is most important. (Note: Students will be required to share this section of their PPPS along with a condensed version of part III of this assignment, with their peers in the final discussion in week 8 of this course)
- Full PPPS in well-edited and synthesized essay form – this should be approximately one to two pages in length and include citations supporting your primary theoretical assumptions.
- A one-page self-reflection of what this PPPS process was like for you. Reflect on the initial reaction you had when you reviewed this assignment at the beginning of the semester. Describe particular moments or theories during the class that have had the most impact on the evolution of your statement and why you think these were so significant for you. End this section of your paper with your honest appraisal of how closely your one-sentence mantra aligns with who you are as a social worker at this point in time and whether or not you feel this will help you in staying centered in your social work practice.
- Closing self-assessment of your experience in this class that completes the following statements with some explanation as to why you answered each as you did:
- a. The things I found most energizing and inspiring during this class were…
- b. The things I found most challenging or difficult were…
- c. If I had to pick one thing that had the most singular impact on it would be…
- d. The therapeutic model(s) I am most comfortable with is/are…
- e. The therapeutic model(s) I am least comfortable with is/are…
- f. The most surprising thing I learned about myself as a social worker is…
- g. The area I hope to continue to explore in the future is…
Emma2018-10-25 08:37:092018-10-25 08:37:09cognitive behavioral therapy