Co-sleeping with Babies -Good, Bad, Neither?

In the Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service “Your guide to the first 12 months”

booklet it states: “SIDS and Kids recommends the safest place for a baby to sleep is in their own safe

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sleeping place in the same room as an adult care-giver for the first 6 to 12 months”. You have been asked

to write an opinion piece for a prominent on-line news outlet commenting on this advice. You can choose

to argue in favour of the advice, or against it (or that there is insufficient evidence to support either

contrasting view), but regardless of the stance you take you must rely on empirical evidence to support

your argument. You must also consider the evidence in the context of cross-cultural research.
The purpose of this piece of assessment is to allow you to demonstrate your ability to explain a theory, find
relevant empirical research, critically evaluate evidence and formulate a convincing argument. You will

have already had lecture and tutorial content related to cross-cultural research. In this essay, you must

introduce two empirical studies in detail, one that supports your position, and one that does not support it.

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