Childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic in our society today. What do you feel has contributed to this problem, and list a minimum of three ways to combat this problem you personally think would work

Question 1 Childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic in our society today. What do you feel has contributed to this problem, and list a minimum of three ways to combat this problem you personally think would work.

Question 2 The health consequences of secondhand smoke have been well documented. Do you feel that smoking bans in public places are fair to all citizens? Explain your answer.


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Question 3 In your opinion, are we making headway in reducing the incidence rate of heart disease and cancers? Explain your answer


Question 4 Explain how HIV infection affects the body and how it is transmitted, diagnosed, and treated.


Bonus Question Three-part question: Part 1—In your own words, list and describe the multiple dimensions of health. Part 2—Describe Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs. In your opinion, can we ever achieve self-actualization? Part 3—Can a stressor be classified as both a distress and a eustress? Explain your answer


Question 5 There has been a trend toward self-care. What are some ways this is evident and what are some of the reasons for the popularity of this movement?


Question 6 What are “air toxics” and where do you think you are most likely to be exposed to them; and wh

at steps can you take to minimize your exposure?


Question 7 Should terminally ill individuals have the right to ask for “physician-assisted suicide”? Explain your answer