challenges that health care managers face in their efforts to improve productivity
- Identify your selected unit (or department) in the first line of your posting.
- Identify the key inputs and outputs of this unit.
- Briefly discuss factors that should be considered when establishing the primary productivity measure for your selected unit.
- Propose one productivity measure for this unit and provide a rationale.
- What are possible consequences—positive or negative—of the selection of this productivity measure?
- Course Text:
- Langabeer II, J. R., & Helton, J. (2016). Health care operations management: A systems perspective (2nded.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
- Chapter 6, “Productivity and Performance Management”
This chapter explains fundamental concepts of productivity management, and describes the usefulness of performance scorecards in conveying data that can help managers monitor productivity.
- Chapter 6, “Productivity and Performance Management”
- Course Text: Quantitative Methods in Health Care Management
- Chapter 9, “Productivity”
This reading describes challenges that health care managers face in their efforts to improve productivity, and it discusses a range of methods for measuring, and adjusting the mix, of inputs and outputs.
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- Chapter 9, “Productivity”
- Article: Butrie, A. M., Coakley, D., & Graves, B. (2008). Productivity improvement: Catholic Health East reaps rewards. Healthcare Financial Management, 62(7), 82–8 5. Retrieved from Walden Library Databases.