Calgary Family Intervention Model (CFIM)

Family Assessment – An identified family is assessed using the Calgary Family Assessment Model, Calgary Family Intervention Model, Genogram, Ecomap

Rubric – please go to evaluation and grading. The Family Assessment Project

The Family Assessment Project will utilize the Calgary Family Assessment Model and the Calgary Family Intervention Model. The student will assess a patient’s family. Included in the assessment are the Genogram and Ecomap.

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Genogram grading (Include the legend): 2.5 points

Each of the following information/characteristic in the genogram is assigned 0.25 point for a total of 2.5 points.

1. Genogram has 3 generations 2. Family members identified 3. Immediate family relationship 4. Age or age at death 5. Marital/relationship 6. Sex/sexual orientation 7. Occupation 8. Health status 9. Health history 10. Interactional patterns between members

Ecomap Grading (Include the legend): 1.5 points Points are assigned to the elements of the Ecomap for a total of 1.5 points. 1. Basic genogram of the immediate family — 0.5 point 2. Connections in the community (8 or more) – 0.25 point 3. Symbols of relationship (lines drawn) – 0.25 point 4. Symbols of direction of energy flow – 0.25 point 5. Ecomap well- illustrated – 0.25 point

Guidelines for the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) and Calgary Family Intervention Model (CFIM)

The discussion of the CFAM and CFIM should be type written, double spaced, with pages numbered. The course name and number, your name, and date of submission should appear on the cover. Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style 6th edition including paper format and references. Discussion should be original and in your own words. Points will be deducted for multiple spelling, grammar, format and typing errors. Three major categories are included in the assessment.

Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) (12 points) : 1. Structural (4 points) a. Internal – includes family composition, gender, sexual orientation, rank order, subsystems, boundaries b. External – includes the extended family and the larger systems – work relations, other families, specific agencies with direct involvement in the family’s function c. Context – includes ethnicity, race, social class, religion/spirituality, environment

2. Developmental (4 points) a. Stages in the family life cycle b. Tasks – functions of each family member

3. Attachments – relationships between each member of the family (4 points) a. Instrumental – deals with activities of daily living – family members interact with one another in performing these functions.

b. Expressive – includes emotional communication, verbal communication, non-verbal communication, circular communication, problem-solving, roles, influence and power, beliefs, alliances/coalitions

Calgary Family Intervention Model (CFIM) (6 points)

Discuss the different diagnoses you have for the family and the interventions you propose in the context of family functioning across the 3 domains: a. Cognitive (2 points) – e.g. – Commending Family and individual strengths, offering information and opinions b. Affective (2 points) – e.g. – validating, acknowledging, or normalizing emotional responses, encouraging the telling of illness narratives, drawing family support c. Behavioral (2 points) – e.g. – encouraging family members to be caregivers and offering caregiver support, encouraging respite, devising rituals

Others (3 {0e601fc7fe3603dc36f9ca2f49ef4cd268b5950ef1bbcf1f795cc00e94cdd119}) a. It should be in APA format, type-written, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt font, and concise (using short paragraphs and phrases). b. Information is written so that the objective reader can follow the progression of events and information c. There should be more than three (3) references from recent professional journal publications each written in APA format. These can include but not limited to medical, research, pharmacological or advanced practice nursing journals. References used should not be more than 5 years old.