Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases

Text book [Palepu, K., Healy, P., (2013) Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases (5th ed) ]

Use the sample templates in Tables 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3 as a reference to recast the financial statements for below. Step 1 is to classify the lines appropriately, then step 2 is to aggregate like items to produce the standardized

Helpful Notes: (a) fulfillment costs Ac€?o these are viewed as cost of sales for most retailers; (b) stock option costs Ac€?o these are probably for senior management and hence should probably be classified as SG&A; and (c) in the cash flow statement gains and losses on currency translations (shown at the end of the statement are shown as operating factors that imply that cash from operations in the standardized format does not equate to that reported by the firm.

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Income Statement

          Net sales$3,932,936$3,122,433$2,761,983
          Cost of sales2,940,3182,323,8752,106,206
          Gross profit992,618798,558655,777
          Operating expenses:
               Technology and content215,617241,165269,326
               General and administrative79,04989,862108,962
               Stock-based compensation68,9274,63724,797
               Amortization of goodwill and other intangibles5,478181,033321,772
               Restructuring-related and other41,573181,585200,311
Total operating expenses$928,494$1,210,815$1,519,657
Income (loss) from operations64,124-412,257-863,880
               Interest income23,68729,10340,821
               Interest expense-142,925-139,232-130,921
               Other income (expense), net5,623-1,900-10,058
               Other gains (losses), net-96,273-2,141-142,639
          Total non-operating expenses, net($209,888)($114,170)($242,797)
Loss before equity in losses of equity-method investees-145,764-526,427-1,106,677
          Equity in losses of equity-method investees, net-4,169-30,327-304,596
Loss before change in accounting principle($149,933)($556,754)($1,411,273)
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle801-10,523
Net loss($149,132)($567,277)($1,411,273)

Balance Sheet

ClassificationsYear Beginning January 1, ($000’s)20032002
     Current assets:
          Cash and cash equivalents$738,254$540,282
          Marketable securities562,715456,303
          Accounts receivable, net & other current assets112,28267,613
Total current assets$1,615,676$1,207,920
     Fixed assets, net239,398271,751
     Goodwill, net70,81145,367
     Other intangibles, net3,46034,382
     Other equity investments15,44228,359
     Other assets45,66249,768
Total assets$1,990,449$1,637,547
     Current liabilities:
          Accounts payable618,128444,748
          Accrued expenses and other current liabilities314,935305,064
          Unearned revenue47,91687,978
          Interest payable71,66168,632
          Current portion of long-term debt and other13,31814,992
Total current liabilities$1,065,958$921,414
     Long-term debt and other2,277,3052,156,133
      ShareholdersAc€?c deficit
Common stock, $0.01 par value: Authorized shares 5,000,000 Issued and outstanding shares — 387,906 and 373,218 shares, respectively3,8793,732
               Additional paid-in capital$1,649,946$1,462,769
               Deferred stock-based compensation-6,591-9,853
               Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)9,662-36,070
               Accumulated deficit-3,009,710-2,860,578
          Total stockholders’ deficit($1,352,814)($1,440,000)
Total liabilities and stockholders’ deficit1,990,4491,637,547

Cash Flow Statement

ClassificationsYear Ended December 31, ($000’s)200220012000
     Net loss($149,132)($567,277)($1,411,273)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:
     Depreciation of fixed assets and other amortization82,27484,70984,460
      Stock-based compensation68,9274,63724,797
      Equity in losses of equity-method investees4,16930,327304,596
      Amortization of goodwill and other intangibles5,478181,033321,772
      Non-cash restructuring-related and other3,47073,293200,311
      Gain on sale of marketable securities, net-5,700-1,335-280
      Other losses (gains), net96,2732,141142,639
      Non-cash interest expense and other29,58626,62924,766
       Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle-80110,523
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
          Accounts receivable, net and other cur. assets-32,94820,732-8,585
          Accounts payable156,542-44,43822,357
          Accrued expenses and other current liabilities4,49150,03193,967
          Unearned revenue95,404114,73897,818
          Amortization of previously unearned revenue-135,466-135,808-108,211
          Interest payable3,027-34534,341
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities$174,291($119,782)($130,442)
Year Ended December 31, ($000’s)200220012000
Sales/maturities of marketable securities and investments553,289370,377545,724
Purchases of marketable securities-635,810-567,152-184,455
Purchases of fixed assets, including internal-use software-39,163-50,321-134,758
Investments (including in equity-method investees)-6,198-62,533
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities($121,684)($253,294)$163,978
Proceeds from exercise of stock options and other121,68916,62544,697
Proceeds from issuance of common stock, net of issue costs99,831
Proceeds from long-term debt and other10,000681,499
Repayment of capital lease obligations and other-14,795-19,575-16,927
   Financing costs-16,122
Net cash provided by financing activities$106,894$106,881$693,147
Effect of exchange-rate changes on cash and cash equivalents38,471-15,958-37,557
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents$197,972($282,153)$689,126