Be sure to use correct terminology and specifically address which theory you are using and how it relates.

Psychodynamic Theory: Fromm and Erikson – Journal
The journal is your opportunity to relate the theories of personality that we have investigated to your own life. Select one of the theories examined this week and write a brief description of how this applies to your own personality.

Your journal entry does not need to be lengthy; one paragraph is sufficient. Be sure to use correct terminology and specifically address which theory you are using and how it relates. The point of the journal is to allow you to reflect on the value or utility of different theories, thus there is no “right” answer.

Please submit your entry via the “journal” located in the dropbox. Your journal entry is due at midnight on Sunday.
Journal Picture

I will use the following scale to grade your journal entries:
Journal entry not relevant or does not contain sufficient detail. Journal entry is somewhat related to the topic but lacks clarity. Journal entry is generally related to the topic but need to be more direct and clear. Relevant journal entry; writing lacks clarity. Clear, relevant complete journal entry.

Week 4: Psychodynamic Theory: Fromm and Erikson – Journal

The journal is your opportunity to relate the theories of personality that we have investigated to your own life. Select one of the theories examined this week and write a brief description of how this applies to your own personality.
Your journal entry does not need to be lengthy; one paragraph is sufficient. Be sure to use correct terminology and specifically address which theory you are using and how it relates. The point of the journal is to allow you to reflect on the value or utility of different theories, thus there is no “right” answer.
Please submit your entry via the “journal” located in the dropbox. Your journal entry is due at midnight on Sunday.
Journal Picture

I will use the following scale to grade your journal entries:
Journal entry not relevant or does not contain sufficient detail.
Journal entry is somewhat related to the topic but lacks clarity.
Journal entry is generally related to the topic but need to be more direct and clear.
Relevant journal entry; writing lacks clarity.
Clear, relevant complete journal entry.

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