Barriers to Electronic Health Record Adoption
After you read the module information regarding new technologies, answer the following questions: What are the issues surrounding selection and implementation of new types of technology? Focus on public demand, physician reaction, and issues of cost, among other concerns.
2)Discuss your thoughts and ideas about the newer trend of pharmaceutical and medical supply companies marketing directly to the consumer (e.g., ads about new medications, billboards for new hip and knee implants, etc.). What do you see as the pros and cons?
Use any of these as references
answer thes dqs in 250 words including intext cite and apa references
“Barriers to Electronic Health Record Adoption: A Systematic Literature Review,” by Kruse, Kristof, Jones, Mitchell, and Martinez, from Journal of Medical Systems (2016).
“Too Much or Too Little? How Much Control Should Patients Have over EHR Data?,” by Bhuyan, Bailey-DeLeeuw, Wyant, and Chang, from Journal of Medical Systems (2016).
“Use of Electronic Health Record Data for Quality Reporting,” by Abernethy, Gippetti, Parulkar, and Revol, from Journal of Oncology Practice (2017)