Anatomy of Care
2-3 pgsall answers must come from these sources:Anatomy of Care (2010) Jones and Bartlett LearningChapter 32 Holding Effective MeetingChapter 33 Decision-Making and Problem SolvingChapter34 Time ManagementChapter 35: Coping with Stress and BurnoutRead the Character Overviews for the Chief Resident from Anatomyof CareView: to an external site.)Links to an external site. to an external site.)Links to an external site.As the character progresses through the scenario WRITE DOWN THE QUESTION ALL THE QUESTION the video pauses and the student is asked how he/she thinks the character should proceed WRITE DOWN THE ANSWER. The video continueswith differentoutcomesdetermined by the student choices. Topics coveredinclude communication leadership quality assurance patient safety and providing a patient-centered environment.Students will answer each question including acitations from the reading lists of any of the modules to substantiate their answers.(Do not use Anatomy of Care for referencing)Answer the questions from the Chief Resident point of view.After you have answered the questions from the perspective of the Chief Resident answer the following questions as if you are the Vice President in charge of Administration responsible for the floors and staff viewed in the vignettes: