analyzing policies about child maltreatment in the United States

This assignment focuses on analyzing policies about child maltreatment in the United States, it is a growing national issue. This assignment is another opportunity to further apply 21st century technology skills as you create an informational brochure meant to inform the public in a variety of potential environments about child maltreatment in the United States and in a specific state of your choosing. Your finished brochure will be included in your website as part of the Week Six Final Project,  review theState of California (2014) website resources for services related to children’s and youth health, the CDCP (2014) website about preventing child maltreatment, the Child Help (2014) website programs page, and the CAPA (2014) webpage about their programs and services to learn about child maltreatment and policies related thereto.

Create your assignment using the content and written communication instructions below. Use the Grading Rubric to review your assignment before submission to ensure you have met the distinguished performance for each of the components described below. For additional assistance, review the Week Three Instructor Guidance and, if needed, contact the instructor for further clarifications using the Ask Your Instructor discussion. Additionally, add the flyer as a link or attachment to the page on your website titled Child Protection Services & Child Maltreatment.

Content Instructions

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Using a digital software program such as Microsoft Publisher or, create a single-page, 3-panel, front-to back brochure that informs the public about the realities of child maltreatment in the United States and a specific state of your choosing. The brochure should be designed to appeal to audiences in a variety of settings, such as offices of school counselors or nurses, community centers and outreach facilities, public health facilities, and social services departments. Use the “Save As” option to save your brochure as a PDF. Submit the PDF version as your assignment for evaluation and include the attachment or link if constructed from an online source such asLucidpress to your website. Title (1 point): Include an engaging title for the brochure.