American Protest Literature


For this activity, please submit a one-page minimum outline detailing your plans for your final research essay. Please refer to the final essay guidelines in Unit 8 for details and to ensure that you fully understand the scope and nature of the essay. You will want to prepare each of the required pieces in subsequent units. This is your opportunity to expand and give more detail to your proposal and make any changes and additions to your original plan if you have them. Please use a standard outline format giving main points, relevant texts, and a detailed plan for your final essay.

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Your outline should introduce and offer background for your topic, present a clear thesis, include your primary readings and literature to include, cover the main points you intend to explore and research, and list your final references. 

For this assignment, please also submit a complete “Works Cited Page” listing all of the sources you will be citing in your research essay. Please make sure it is in proper MLA format and alphabetized for a Works Cited page.