Unit 7 Discussion Overview: Driving and Restraining Forces in Change

Unit 7 Discussion Overview: Driving and Restraining Forces in Change


In about 250 words, discuss the following:

In 1947, the psychologist Kurt Lewin developed a model to understand the change process. He entitled his model, “Force-Field Analysis.” Within this model are driving forces and resisting forces. Which determines forces that drive and forces that resist a proposed change. Driving forces are factors that are supporting the change away from the current state. Restraining forces are factors that work against the change. The idea is to try to remove the restraining forces as well as increase the driving forces.

Topic 1:

Provide a brief discussion of the leadership skills needed to sustain the driving forces and manage the restraining forces that could impact the implementation of your evidence-based practice project.

Evidence-based Practice Project Implementation Plan

Evidence-based Practice Project Implementation Plan

Utilize content from your completed work in Units 2 and 4. Be sure and review faculty feedback from these submissions before starting this assignment:

  1. the literature review
  2. learning needs assessment
  3. gap analysis
  4. smart goals and objectives

Project goals and objectives should be differentiated. Each objective should begin with ONE action verb, and specifies the activity needed to achieve the desired goal. Goals are outcomes. Goals can be intangible and non-measurable, but objectives are defined in terms of tangible targets. Refer back to the Units 2 and 4 Assignments: Learning Needs Assessment and Gap Analysis. Use the hyperlinked form attached for completion of the Unit 6 Assignment.

Assignment Details

Complete an implementation plan for your evidence-based project. The implementation plan template is a modification of the Implementation Plan Template document designed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ, 2018). All sections of the tool should be complete and should reflect what information has been learned from the previous assignments. Refer to the definitions of terms that precede the Implementation Plan Template.

The template should be preceded by an introduction to the implementation plan. Included in this introduction are explanations and or definitions of the elements contained in the implementation plan. Include a summary of the project’s goals, an overview of an interprofessional team, definitions of facilitators and barriers to implementation, project improvement, importance of using a stepwise progression of an implementation plan, value of good communication, importance of resources and effective ways to measure performance. You do not need to go into detail here, one or two sentences addressing the contents of the implementation plan is all that is necessary.

Include an introduction to your implementation plan and a summary- what the implementation plan has determined what your needs are moving forward with your EBP project. The MS Word document should be embedded into your paper between the introduction and the summary.

Unit 6 Discussion: Discussion Overview

Unit 6 Discussion: Discussion Overview

In about 250 words, discuss the following:

Goals are the achievable outcomes, whereas objectives are the actions that help to achieve a goal. Goals are set to achieve the mission of an organization or individual, while objectives are set for the accomplishment of goals. While goals create a vision with a wide range, objectives focus on the individual outcomes. Objectives are concrete deliverables that make the goal come to life. Progress towards them helps measure advancement to reaching the larger end goal.

Topic 1: Objectives and Goals

Discuss how the terms objectives and goals differ and why is it important to have both when designing and implementing an evidence-based practice project? Provide a summary of your EBP project’s objectives and goals.

Assessment 6-4900

Submit a word document stating: \”I acknowledge that I completed and documented at least nine hours in CAP. I confirm that my faculty has approved these hours.\”

Submit this word document using the course room link.

You must complete a total of at least nine practicum hours during your capstone experience. These hours need to be completed and documented to successfully finish the course and the BSN program. Throughout the course, you have documented these hours for assessments/assignments 1, 2, 3, and 5. 

As a final step, please “officially” acknowledge the completion and documentation of at least nine practicum hours and confirm that your faculty has reviewed and approved all these hours. You can view your hours and the faculty approval status in CAP. 

As a reminder, please review the BSN Practicum Campus page for more information and instructions on how to log and reviewing your hours.

Please contact the faculty if all your practicum hours have not been approved. 

After you have confirmed the completion, documentation, and faculty approval of your practicum hours in CAP, you are now ready to submit assessment/assignment 6. 


Submit a word document stating: “I acknowledge that I completed and documented at least nine hours in CAP. I confirm that my faculty has approved these hours.” 

Submit this word document using the course room link.