1. Describe the following ethical theories in detail: cultural relativism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and Kantian ethics. Rank them in order of best to worst, and explain why you have ranked them this way. For your top overall pick, consider a counterargument to that ethical theory and then show why that counterargument fails. For your lowest pick, consider a strong argument in favor of that ethical theory and then show why that argument fails. 1. Focus on two types of killing: euthanasia and capital punishment. Describe what each of these are, and give reasons for and against the rightness of both. Ultimately, tell me if society should allow these practices.

1. Describe the following ethical theories in detail: cultural relativism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and Kantian ethics. Rank them in order of best to worst,
and explain why you have ranked them this way. For your top overall pick, consider a counterargument to that ethical theory and then show why that
counterargument fails. For your lowest pick, consider a strong argument in favor
of that ethical theory and then show why that argument fails.

1. Focus on two types of killing: euthanasia and capital punishment. Describe what each of these are, and give reasons for and against the rightness of both.
Ultimately, tell me if society should allow these practices.

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